Deadlines / Turning in work
All CAWD work from the previous week is due at the end of the school day Wednesday for full credit, on the server. For most students this means 2:05, as you walk out the door. If you decide to stay for Wednesday Homework club, I will push this back for individual students until 3pm.
Work Product 75%
Work Product is broken down into:
- Class work and Assignments: 60%
- Quizzes: 15%
A – Excellent.
B – Above Average.
C – Average.
D – Below Average.
F – Unacceptable.
When you think you are done a project, sit back and really look at it. Given the time I have allotted, could you improve it? Early in the year we often have students rush through projects and try to finish early, mistakenly thinking this makes them look competent or “cool”. The first people to finish projects, or finish quizzes, etc, rarely get the best grades. The people that do the best work, get the best grades. Good to learn this early.
Worker Traits 25%
Total Grade: 100%
Projects with missing components, such as only the .psd, or only the .png, will receive that proportion of earned grade based on what you didn’t turn in. If your project would have received 100, but you only turned in 1 of 2 parts, you would receive a 50.
Projects with incorrect file names, or with other naming issues will not receive full credit.
We need to really to act as we would in the design industry: hitting deadlines, following instructions, and creating quality work.
Missed assignments / late work
In the design industry, projects build upon each other. What you do Tuesday will impact what you do later on that week. Not doing work, or putting it off until the end of the semester / quarter is not an option in Cawd; it would not be so in our industry. We are going to have a culture of keeping up with classwork if you wish to stay in the program.
Work is due end of the school day Wednesday. If work is not turned in on time, the following point deductions kick in:
- 1 day late (Turned in Thursday) – letter grade off.
- 2 days late (Turned in Friday) – 2 letter grades off.
- 3 days late (Turned in Monday) – 3 letter grades off.
- 4+ days late – Maximum score of a 50 – which yes is an “F”, but is dramatically better than a 0.
- Students missing any assignments are required to stay after school for Wednesday Cawd Homework club.
Keep in mind that turning in a project 2 weeks late and earning as much as a 50 is still much better than keeping the “0” you have, and being required to stay after school each and every Wednesday for Homework Club.
Late work will only be accepted until the end of the quarter it was assigned.
turning in late work
If you have to turn in late work, the following process must be followed:
- Upload work as specified in the project.
- Send an email to me ( with a subject of “LATE WORK”. Unless it has this subject, it doesn’t get picked up by the filter, and I don’t grade it.
- Write me a short email with the following:
- Greeting
- Short, direct message specifying the project you turned in, and the location of it.
- Closing
Using complete sentences, in the format above, is acceptable for business, and will be what we use in class.
For example, if you didn’t turn in your organic shape project until the day after it was due, you would upload it as normal, and then write me an email roughly as following:
Mr. Cronin,
I have turned in my organic project into my “week_1” folder for grading.
Thank you,
** Obviously for weekly sketchbook and in class sketches, you hand me the work.
Overall Grade -> Music in production time
Students must keep a C- or higher grade to listen to music in Cawd while we are in project production.
Wednesday After school homework club
Students may stay after school Wednesday’s from 2:05 – 3 if they wish to work in the room on assignments. I don’t schedule meetings on Wednesday’s (as best I can) so I can work one on one with students needing some extra clarification, or just if you need time to polish a design before work is due. Homework club is not just for students needing more time. We consistently will have some of the best and brightest “A level” Cawd students stay and work in the afternoons just to get practice, work on side projects, and use the software.
Students that have a D- or less will be required to stay after school during Wednesday’s homework club and work. I will meet you you during Site Maintenance on Monday mornings (Starting Week 2) and let you know your grade, and weather or not the next day you have to plan to stay after school. You can get all your work in, but have poor quiz and worker trait grades which bring your grade to a D- or less and require you to stay after school. Don’t plan on having poor quiz and work trait grades. This is very very rare.
If due to your grade you need to stay after school and do not, for any reason, you will receive an “F” for that weeks worker trait component. If you have a: sports game, doctors appointment, need to babysit, raid, work, or any other reason you can’t stay you need to speak with me before hand. You and I will need to pick an afternoon to stay after that works for you, or morning, I am flexible. The goal of this is not a punishment, as much as it is a chance for you to get some extra time and solve problems well before they become big issues further down the quarter. You will get the “F” in your worker traits until you make up the time, even if a tentative date is picked. I am more than happy to change your worker grade back to what you normally deserve once you fulfill your obligations to Cawd and handle your responsibilities.
I also will try to treat you as an adult and deal with you, and you alone first. If Isaiah’s grade drops to a D- or lower, or he is missing an assignment, and he is required to stay after school to bring his grade up, and he does so, nobody else has to know. I don’t call parents / talk to guidance / Ms. Dickinson if you handle your responsibilities. If you are a no show, we then start making calls. Often before you get home from school I have spoken to your parents. CAWD common theme: handle your responsibilities as an adult and I treat you as an adult.
CTE provides a bus to your home school at 3:15 on Wednesday afternoons. While it won’t get you home, it will get you most of the way. You have to ask me before break to arrange the bus for you. If you don’t do this, you don’t have a spot on the bus, and may not take you even if they have room. They are cracking down on students that are using the Homework Club transportation to socialize with friends. CTE is happy to pay for extra buses and drivers for your education.
Grades determine opportunities afforded to you
- Do you want to earn college credit in Cawd starting in the spring? We offer a Website Development College Course through our own coursework. You earn college credit while in Cawd. To be eligible you must be an A level student. You have an A-? You are eligible. You work really really hard and have a B+? No. Work harder.
- If you are accepted and earn a spot in Cawd2, you can continue earning college credit while in the Cawd program next year…if you are an “A” level student.
- National Technical Honor Society
- Not everyone in Cawd will get these opportunities. This isn’t little league where everyone gets a trophy for showing up. I am not going to give you a hug and tell you “You are special”. Not everyone is special. If think you are, be special. Impress your teachers and your fellow student designers. Work hard; it pays off.
- Welcome to the real world.