Class Hours: 9:40 – 2:05
Mr. Cronin
- Welcome to Week 31 and back to normal! We have 5 days of school and we get a week vacation!
- Nothing is due today!
- First – attendance – this will take some time as we are in new seats.
- English is back on Thursday and Friday!
- Friday after English, starting at 11:35, if you are fully caught up you can use the rest of the day to socialize and relax. If you are not fully caught up you will be working to get caught up. The goal is to get fully caught up before vacation so reduce anxiety and improve our general well being.
- We are getting back to mindfulness and databases after lunch.
- We have completed our dedicated Skills production time on Thursday and Fridays. State Champion Teams (Matt / Bevins / Asa / Eli) are going to start working with Mr. Bohmann on a plan for Nationals, and will use their weekly agency projects for preparation.
- Back to dailies each day – copied down 1:55 … daily.
- Asa / Eli – where is the State Champion Game Banner? We want to hang it up, we have the other 2 State Champion banners already …
- Bevins and Matt / today and tomorrow you are going to be working in Mr. Bohmann’s room from now until first break working on advanced character rigs and controllers in preparation for Nationals.
9:40 Attendance and Article
9:45 Design Homework 31: (The 4th Quarter) (Eye)

As we move into our 4th quarter Unit of Portraits we are going to break down pieces of the human face, and learn how to draw them more realistically. This will include:
- Eye
- Nose
- Mouth
- Ears
- Hair
Then we will move onto looking at the ratios that make up the placement of the human face. We will learn about some fairly consistent mathematical ratios will help with layout and placement of the physical elements above.
We will use math to place our practiced elements in an improved final portrait.
Now you will notice how I have written (The 4th Quarter) and (Eye) separately. Your DH for Quarter 4 will be 2 parts:
- Your art (as we have done all year)
- Your ability to learn independently and demonstrate in a valid website.
Each week you will have to go and find a tutorial on YouTube on how to draw that weeks component – this week an eye. I am not giving you any resources, just the subject.
You will create a weekly folder called “dh” with an index.html and all other assets (images/image/css) etc.
This html file will include:
- H1 that says the subject (in this week eye)
- Your final sketch as an image at a width of 20% (use CSS for this)
- Your image as a link to the full size image.
- The embedded YouTube tutorial that you used.
Technical Requirements:
- Use CSS each week
- Valid HTML
- Use Lightbox! More on this later in the week…
When we present your work we are going to look at your final sketch, and fast forward to the end of the tutorial and see how well you were able to mimic the lesson. If it looks like you did a great job matching the artist, you will get an “A”. If your final product looks rushed and basic, you will not.
I am going to give you some extra time this morning as we move into this new way of doing Design Homework’s. One of the real lessons here is to learn how to learn on your own, and to find valid and reliable resources online. Learning from the internet (which is *free* and updated frequently) will be important to you for your profession, in learning how to fix your car, medicate, cook eggs, etc.
Create a folder called “dh” inside your “week_31” folder, and an index.html inside. This is where your final sketch and web work will go for each of your 4th quarter DH’s.
Get to it – the subject is Eye!
10:35 Morning Break (10 minutes)

- 10 Minutes break – you have to exit the room.
- When the door near the TV is open, you are welcome to come back in.
10:45 Web Design Review

We are going to do a class review to get us back in the swing of the Web, which is our 4th quarter focus, and the subject of our Industry Recognized Credential Certification Exam in June.
- Multi page website
- Web Layout with Design elements that go all the way left to right, content constrained in the center
- Responsive
- Valid code
We are going to use our recent Skills competitions for content for this. Here are some images we will start with:

12:15 Lunch (30 Minutes)

- No food in the room / eat in the Cafe.
- You are welcome to return to the room when you have finished eating and work / hang out.
12:45 Attendance and Article
12:50 Mindfullness and Databases

1:10 Afternoon Break (10 minutes)

- 10 Minutes break – you have to exit the room.
- When the door near the TV is open, you are welcome to come back in.
1:20 Afternoon Production

- Week 31 Agency
- jpgs or mp4
- DH31: Eye
- in “dh” folder as “index.html”
1:55 Dailies

2:00 Dismissal