Class Hours: 9:40 – 2:05
Mr. Cronin
- Monday! 3 Days!
- Today and Tuesday will be a bit different. I need to tell people they are missing work today, and I need to give you as much time as I can for the Holiday Isometric Design Challenge.
- No Critiques today / Tuesday. I am going to grade all your work myself starting at 10:45 on the Big Board while you work. I want everyone to know the end of lunch if they are missing any work.
- Full Production time / hit the deadlines over the next two days:
- Holiday Isometric Design Challenge Concept Art is due today at 11 am on the public.
- Holiday Isometric Design Challenge is due Tuesday at 2 pm on the public.
- Schedule for Wednesday – the final day before vacation:
- 9:40 – 12:15
- Work to get caught up all missing work. If you are fully caught up. 100% chill. Get your missing work in BEFORE Wednesday morning, I will accept it any time due to our short week.
- 12:15 – 12:45
- 12:45 – 1:15
- Work to get caught up all missing work. If you are fully caught up. 100% chill. Get your missing work in BEFORE Wednesday morning, I will accept it any time this week.
- 1:15 – EOD
- CAWD goes to Ice Rink to skate. You will be dismissed from the Rink, so at 1:15 it is like the end of the day for us, everything off, take your drinks, bags, etc. There will be hot chocolate, you can bring your own skates, and if you don’t want to skate bring your Switch, headphones, sketchbook, and you can zone on the bleachers and people watch.
- 9:40 – 12:15
- Everyone needs to get that late work in. Remember that the work we turn in this week counts, so you could be up to date now, but if you miss today’s work … poof.
- Notice the extra credit boots to T&E grades. Remember that it buoys your weekly grade, and if you want that 105 you need to do nothing wrong and have a visitor. Extra credit visitor bumps this week only moved some students to the B range as they may have been playing games, left computer on, were loud, etc. Harvest those 105’s….
- Due to the half week we will have NO assignments this week beyond our Holiday Isometric Design Challenge. You can zone over vacation, enjoy it.
- Champlain now has ANOTHER Major for CAWD related studies – Game Sound Design. So now you could major in Art & Animation, Game Design, Game Programming, Game Management, and Game Sound Design. At a top 15 school, right down the street. That is pretty cool.
9:40 Attendance and Article
9:45 AM Production

- 2nd Draft of Pin Design
- “(lastName)Pin2ndDraft.jpg”
- Week 16 Agency
- “(lastName)Agency_1.jpg” through “(lastName)Agency_3.jpg”
- … or …
- “(lastName)Agency.mp4
- “(lastName)Agency_1.jpg” through “(lastName)Agency_3.jpg”
- Design Homework 16 – 3 Point Perspective Tower looking up
- “(lastName)DH16.jpg”
10:05 Holiday Isometric Design Challenge

To kick off the holidays we are going to spend the next 2 days working in teams to create a themed isometric render. You will elect a Creative Director to organize and put pieces or project together. It could be anything other than random. Some examples include:
- Hospital
- Kitchen
- Media Room
- Arcade
- Medieval Weapon Room
- Bakery
- Ski shop
- Pet Store
- Pizza Joint
- Etc.
Whatever your team decides on, you will create and share assets that make sense for that world across the public.
Anything you or your team has made is legal for this project. There is always something that can be added to the project, no matter how big or small. Detail counts.
You will populate your Isometric room with these items and create a single render at 1080p called “(teamName)Iso.jpg” in the “iso” folder. One render for your entire team.
It has to be on the public in the “isoRooms” folder by the end of the day on Tuesday for full credit. The CD should likely be in the room Tuesday afternoon to make sure this gets done.
You will get all day Monday and Tuesday to complete this Holiday Isometric Design Challenge.
Team Pudding
- Bright
- Dahal
- Martinez
- Adams
Team Giraffe
- Pine
- Gelineau
- Van Ornum
- To
- O’Neal
Team Canada
- Blow
- Lamotte
- Mathiowetz
- Spofford
- Murray
Team Submarine
- DeCell
- Noble
- Watson
- Postlewaite
Team Asteroid
- Cincotta
- Fasching
- Sample
- Bevins
Workflow for today:
- Meet with team somewhere in room.
- Elect CD.
- Come up with theme / create concept art for your Isometric Room. CD assign work / organize the initial workflow. Concept art has to be scanned in and saved as “(teamName)ConceptArt.jpg” by 11AM today in the “iso” folder.
- Use colored pencils to determine who is going to be in charge of making what. Each student gets a different color for art in the room. Create a legend so we know who is making what. If Alex is in charge of the sink and the fridge, draw this piece of the concept art in red, and then write at the bottom a red square labeled with “Alex”.
- CD doesn’t have to be the Concept Artist – elect someone who is good at quick, detailed, concept art.
- At a minimum, you create what you are assigned in the Concept Art. I realize you will likely build more – but we should all have defined initial targets to create.
- Download the file called “isoStartHere.blend” from the public in the “iso” folder. The camera and wall thickness is set for you. Append projects into this file. This will likely be for the CD only. Notice the RED box – this is a reference point for a door size. The rest of your world should be in relation to this size. The RED box is only there as a reference, it should not show up in the final render.
- Create team folder on public. Only copies of work are shared on the public.
- Dominate this project.
10:35 Morning Outside Break (10 minutes)

- 10 Minutes outside / just out our door.
- Throw the Frisbee, toss the football, kick the kickball, or just get some Vitamin D and not be at a desk.
10:45 Holiday Isometric Design Challenge

Concept art due at 11AM.
12:15 Lunch (30 Minutes)

- No food in the room / eat in the Cafe.
- You are welcome to return to the room when you have finished eating and work / hang out.
12:45 Attendance and Article
12:50 Guided Practice

- Gradebook check / Isometric Design Challenge
1:10 Afternoon Outside Break (10 minutes)

- 10 Minutes outside / just out our door.
- Throw the Frisbee, toss the football, kick the kickball, or just get some Vitamin D and not be at a desk.
1:20 Monday / Tuesday Design Challenge: Team Themed Isometric Room

1:55 Dailies

2:00 Dismissal