Class Hours: 9:40 – 2:05
Mr. Cronin
- Welcome to Week 13! 5 solid days of school and then you get 9 days off! (I have to work next week, but I am not bitter.)
- Let’s go over DH13 now so I don’t forget.
- Big ups to Ryan in CAWD2 for winning the football state championship! Tell him congrats when you see him.
9:40 Attendance and Article
9:45 15 Minutes of Production

10:05 Blender

- Camera shots
- Active Cameras
- Parenting Review

10:35 Morning Outside Break (10 minutes)

- 10 Minutes outside / just out our door.
- Throw the Frisbee, toss the football, kick the kickball, or just get some Vitamin D and not be at a desk.
10:45 Critiques

To will be giving constructive criticism today. Pick out one thing that works, and one thing to improve upon in the future.
Kaden will be giving constructive criticism tomorrow.
11:35 Droid Animation Preproduction

This week we are going to create a Floating Droid animation with our two stars, Andy, and the Droid that you modeled last week.
Before we start working digitally – we have to know what the heck we are doing. This is where the pre production comes in. Today and tomorrow we will go through two phases of pre-production:
- Story Generation / Sugaring Down (Monday)
- Storyboard (Tuesday)
Part 1: Story Generation (Monday morning until lunch)
We will all start this together. Open up a blank Google Doc. At the top you are going to write our a paragraph overview of your story. The story is up to you, but think of something doable in the week that we have. An acceptable story of “one Droid sneaking up on the other and scaring it, and then being chased around the scene could work“. The entire plot of The Avengers would not work – too much.
After you have your paragraph story, you are going to create a numeric list underneath. Take your story and make it fit into 8 single sentence listed items. This will help remove fluff. Remember – the story has to have an ending, a resolution, on #8. 8 sentences, no more, no less.
Once you have your story setup in 8 listed items you are going to email me at “” (yes my computers are special and have their own email accounts). Just copy and paste your list into an email and email it to me. I will read in front of the class this morning out loud. If your story is acceptable (and realistic) you move on to Part 2. If not, you rework and attempt again.
You can get up to here by the end of Monday and be A OK!
Part 2: Storyboarding (Tuesday morning until break )

In the paper depots you will find Storyboard paper. As you have 8 sentences, you will take two sheets of paper (at a minimum) that have 8 cells. For our first storyboard project you are going to do a 1:1 visualization of your story. Each sentence gets a cell.
You are required to use 3 of the shots we spoke about this morning. All 5 of the textural descriptors need to be filled in for each shot, as well as the labeling at the top.
Stick figure art is acceptable for this project – but messy and incomplete work isn’t.
Once you have met the above criteria please bring to me and I will check you off. You will take your storyboard back to your station and work. You are welcome to keep your Storyboard under your keyboard this week – but I will be collecting them on Friday morning before lunch to compare to your animations. If you want your own digital copy to use over vacation to work, scan it in.
If your storyboard doesn’t meet the standards we are looking for, we will have you redo them. Take your time and do it well the first time.
12:10 DH13: Fish Orthographic Concept Art

Our first character that we will be using Armatures for will be a fish. We are going to be creating a Coral Reef animation (think the beauty of Finding Nemo / Dory). We are all going to be making our own fish, and we will share each others fishes with the class in a “Pet Store” model to fill out the populations of the reef.
DH13 is to draw an orthographic fish, style up to you. We all know what fish roughly look like – I don’t care if you come up with your own fish or choose a real fish – but don’t create a fish made of tacos with rocket launchers. Fish.
Give me a Top / Side / Front view. As you can imagine this will be modeled and rigged when we return from Thanksgiving break.
Sign and date / your file will be called “(lastName)DH13.jpg”.
12:15 Lunch (30 Minutes)

- No food in the room / eat in the Cafe.
- You are welcome to return to the room when you have finished eating and work / hang out.
12:45 Attendance and Article
12:50 Guided Practice

1:10 Afternoon Outside Break (10 minutes)

- 10 Minutes outside / just out our door.
- Throw the Frisbee, toss the football, kick the kickball, or just get some Vitamin D and not be at a desk.
1:20 Afternoon Production

- Week 13 Agency
- “(lastName)Agency_1.jpg” through “(lastName)Agency_3.jpg”
- … or …
- “(lastName)Agency.mp4
- “(lastName)Agency_1.jpg” through “(lastName)Agency_3.jpg”
- Design Homework 13 – Ortho Fish
- “(lastName)DH13.jpg”
1:55 Dailies

2:00 Dismissal