Class Hours: 9:40 – 2:05
Mr. Cronin
- Today is Thursday – if raining we may be having internal breaks – gross. Hope for a break in the weather.
- Any late work? Put on public and I will look at it on the Big Board while you are in production. Friday is the middle of the 2nd quarter, and official grades stored at your sending schools. It would be a fabulous time to get missing work turned in.
- I need to look at F1 grades (your grade in CAWD so far this year) in the next couple weeks. 90+ means you are eligible to earn college credit. We have:
- 1 student with a 91 – feeling sorta comfortable
- 2 students with 90’s – the ice is cracking around them, but they are ok for now…
- 3 students with 89’s – so close, but no …
- These grades are still flexible, and we have students with 88’s, 92’s, that are are pretty volatile. The vast majority of you could still get to that 90 F1 grade by getting A’s on projects, and eliminating the late work.
- CTE Holiday Food Drive
- CAWD Discord Invite. This is student run (Asa and Lance?), I and the school have nothing to do with it, but a nice way to communicate. In light of cyberbullying and harassment, just be good people.
9:40 Attendance and Article
9:45 Pin Design Competition Final Paper Draft
Final Draft for Pin Design Pre-production! What we sketch out today gets scanned in and used as a reference image in Illustrator Next week.
Take your 2 pack and decide which one to move further into production. Remember the goal is not what you like, the goal is winning / getting paid. You have to lure customers to want to work with you if you are a designer, a baker, a landscaper, a dentist…. whichever career you end up pursuing.
Make the text as BIG as you can (in your design) so it is legible.
Get a perfect, final version on paper done by break. Just as before we will hang on the wall to show off your work. Make sure you are proud of what you create. Protect your brand and your reputation. How others perceive you in the workforce is important in the real world. Your work, what you create, creates your brand.
Protect it.
10:35 Morning Outside Break (10 minutes)
- 10 Minutes outside / just out our door.
- Throw the Frisbee, toss the football, kick the kickball, or just get some Vitamin D and not be at a desk.
10:45 CAWD English
11:35 Blender
- Intro to Texture Painting
12:15 Lunch (30 Minutes)
- No food in the room / eat in the Cafe.
- You are welcome to return to the room when you have finished eating and work / hang out.
12:45 Attendance and Article / Video
12:50 Guided Practice
1:10 Afternoon Outside Break (10 minutes)
- 10 Minutes outside / just out our door.
- Throw the Frisbee, toss the football, kick the kickball, or just get some Vitamin D and not be at a desk.
1:20 Afternoon Production
- Week 14 Agency
- “(lastName)Agency_1.jpg” through “(lastName)Agency_3.jpg”
- … or …
- “(lastName)Agency.mp4
- “(lastName)Agency_1.jpg” through “(lastName)Agency_3.jpg”
- Design Homework 14 – 2 Point Perspective Cubes
- “(lastName)DH14.jpg”
Keep working on fish and corals if not complete!
1:55 Dailies
2:00 Dismissal