Class Hours: 9:40 – 2:05
Mr. Cronin
- Last day of March!
- Thursday! While we enter Skills Production today, all of our work from this week will be due next Monday. Be ready. You will likely not receive any AM production on Monday morning, but the folder will be setup on the public drive to accept your work as normal. Whether you are in CAWD or CAWD2, you have to turn your work in Monday morning.
- No dailies in CAWD for the next week – simply dismissed at 2pm.
- No articles for the next week.
- No Mindfulness and Databases for the next week.
- The focus – is our Skills Design competitions. Colleges and businesses know what these are – let’s make the most of this opportunity.
- Eli – dismissed at 11 and you are returning.
- Kaden – you are the final question for the awards banquet:
- Are you going? If so how?
9:40 Attendance
9:45 AM Production

Work on CAWD deliverables:
- Comedy website
- Week 29 Agency
- DH 29: Baseline Portrait
- Skills Production
Mr. Bohmann is going over Unity lesson from now until break. After break Animation and Web Teams will turn off their machines and move into CAWD2. These teams will be in CAWD2 for the next week preparing and competing.
10:35 Morning Break (10 minutes)

- 10 Minutes break – you have to exit the room.
- When the door near the TV is open, you are welcome to come back in.
10:45 Moving Day!

Coming to CAWD. Getting setup. Use the rest of Thursday to make progress.
We are going to meet Friday first thing to work together as a collective over the next 4 days. We will:
- Build and submit resumes
- Go over clothing and timing requirements for next Thursday
- Setting up mock presentation times / present to each other
- Taking part in a time honored (and terrible) game design tradition of “The Crunch” that often happens at the end of development for all sorts of software:
In the video game industry, crunch is compulsory overtime during the development of a game. Crunch is common in the industry and can lead to work weeks of 65–80 hours for extended periods of time, often totally uncompensated. It is often used as a way to cut the costs of game development, a labor-intensive endeavor. However, it leads to negative health impacts for game developers and a decrease in the quality of their work, as well as driving people out of the industry permanently. Critics of crunch note how it has become normalized within the gaming industry, to deleterious effects for all involved. A lack of unionization on the part of game developers has often been suggested as the reason crunch exists, and organizations such as Game Workers Unite aim to fight against crunch by forcing studios to honor developers’ labor rights.
The Internet

Going to CAWD2. Listen to Mr. Bohmann. While I will still touch base with you for attendance, you will be Mr. Bohmann’s students for the next week.
This may be your first time working with Mr. Bohmann, impress him.

Going to CAWD2. Listen to Mr. Bohmann. While I will still touch base with you for attendance, you will be Mr. Bohmann’s students for the next week.
This may be your first time working with Mr. Bohmann, impress him.
12:15 Lunch (30 Minutes)

- No food in the room / eat in the Cafe.
- You are welcome to return to the room when you have finished eating and work / hang out.
12:45 Production

1:10 Afternoon Break (10 minutes)

- 10 Minutes break – you have to exit the room.
- When the door near the TV is open, you are welcome to come back in.
1:20 Production

1:55 Dailies

2:00 Dismissal