Class Hours: 9:40 – 2:05
Mr. Cronin
- Tuesday!
- 3 of you need to turn in the Skills paperwork. Please tell me you have it. And then give it to me.
9:40 Attendance and Article
9:45 Web Design

Responsive Web Design
- Martha Stewart
- Breakpoints
- Media Queries
- Meta Viewport Tag
- The concept of overwriting what already exists

10:35 Morning Break (10 minutes)

- 10 Minutes break – you have to exit the room.
- When the door near the TV is open, you are welcome to come back in.
10:45 Critiques

Schuyler will be giving constructive criticism today. Pick out one thing that works, and one thing to improve upon in the future.
11:35 Web Design

Creating a responsive version of Eli’s File Formats website.
Creating a responsive version of Emma’s File Formats website.
Creating a “other side of the coin” website. Biden vs. Trump. PC vs. Console.
12:15 Lunch (30 Minutes)

- No food in the room / eat in the Cafe.
- You are welcome to return to the room when you have finished eating and work / hang out.
12:45 Attendance and Article
12:50 Mindfullness and Databases

1:10 Afternoon Break (10 minutes)

- 10 Minutes break – you have to exit the room.
- When the door near the TV is open, you are welcome to come back in.
1:20 Afternoon Production

- DH29: Baseline Still Life
- “lastNameDH29jpg”
- Week 29 Agency
- “(lastName)Agency_1.jpg” through “(lastName)Agency_3.jpg”
- … or …
- “(lastName)Agency.mp4
- “(lastName)Agency_1.jpg” through “(lastName)Agency_3.jpg”
1:55 Dailies

2:00 Dismissal