Class Hours: 9:40 – 2:05
Mr. Cronin
- Tuesday!
- Tomorrow we will have the YRBS at 10AM. Later break to accommodate. We will all take part and do our best to give accurate data.
9:40 Attendance and Article
9:45 Unreal
- Review of sounds
- Review of attenuation / localization
10:00 Low Poly World
As we move back to our Low Poly Forest, I want to integrate some of the elements which we have recently gone over, specifically sounds.
Today you are going to add two sounds to your Low Poly Forest Level.
Sound 1 – background audio that never stops.
Download background audio of wind in the leaves, or theme correct video game music, something which could play continuously over and over – without the user become sick of it. Adjust the volume so it is background audio, it is meant to supplement the work, not be the star.
Adjust the volume of the clip by double clicking on the sound file in the content browser.
Sound 2 – localized audio for specific element.
Pick (or create) an element in your project that would have a specific sound, that would only be audible only in that area. For Alex it may be the crow cawing when she walks up to it on a branch, or for someone else it could be a bubbling stream near water, or for someone with a cliff scenic view it could be wind.
Adjust the attenuation through Unreal so that the sound is only heard in that specific area of your game world, with a logical fade distance.
We are going to keep making this project better and better, once you have the two sounds setup, what else you can improve for now?
10:35 Morning Outside Break (10 minutes)
- 10 Minutes outside / just out our door.
- Throw the Frisbee, toss the football, kick the kickball, or just get some Vitamin D and not be at a desk.
10:45 Critiques
Ethan will be giving constructive criticism today. Pick out one thing that works, and one thing to improve upon in the future.
11:35 Sketch Lesson – Future work and 1 Point Perspective
Over the next 3 quarters some of our sketching content will be focused on 3 areas that schools (like Champlain College and their Game Art and Animation Program) are specifically looking for in their Portfolios:
2nd Quarter – Perspective (1, 2, and 3 point)
3rd Quarter – Still Life
4th Quarter – Portraits
At the end of the school year you will have work product in your sketchbooks which could be directly used to get you into some major college programs.
I am here to get you into what is next. We know this system works. Engage and try hard and doors will open. Slack off and you will reap the results. You are all ready to take that next active step in deciding how your life will turn out. Where do you want to be in 4 years?
Even if you never apply to college, being able to use design and drawing skills to convey to other humans your ideas about a kitchen renovation, or landscape design, is valuable.
Today we will start working with 1 point perspective.
11:35 Sketch Work
- One point perspective
- Single vanishing point!
11:55 Design Homework 11: 11 Floating Boxes
Take the next page in your sketchbook and create 11 floating boxes using 1 point perspective, around a central, singular vanishing point.
Shade as if the vanishing point is the sun:
- The faces point to us (away from the vanishing point / sun) are the darkest.
- The faces on the side and top/bottom change based on their orientation to the vanishing point / sun.
Sign and date, due next Monday. Your file will be called “(lastName)DH11.jpg”.
12:15 Lunch (30 Minutes)
- No food in the room / eat in the Cafe.
- You are welcome to return to the room when you have finished eating and work / hang out.
12:45 Attendance and Article
12:50 Guided Practice
1:10 Afternoon Outside Break (10 minutes)
- 10 Minutes outside / just out our door.
- Throw the Frisbee, toss the football, kick the kickball, or just get some Vitamin D and not be at a desk.
1:20 Afternoon Production
- Design Homework 11 – 11 Floating Boxes
- “(lastName)DH11.jpg”
- Week 11 Agency
- “(lastName)Agency_1.jpg” through “(lastName)Agency_3.jpg”
- … or …
- “(lastName)Agency.mp4
- “(lastName)Agency_1.jpg” through “(lastName)Agency_3.jpg”
1:55 Dailies
2:00 Dismissal