Class hours: 9:40 – 2:05
Mr. Bohmann
Today’s Notes
- Today is an EHS B Day
- CCV Classes tomorrow, Front Lobby at 9:15am
- Vermont Foliage – last blast this weekend – get out there
- WorkKeys results
- Sweatshirt Size Form
- Run Hide Fight Review
9:40 Attendance
9:45 Graph of the Week

This graph shows the Department of Agriculture’s newly revised “Thrifty Food Plan” using a family of four as an example. The model food budget is $193 per week, which comes to $6.89 per person per day. The graph is designed to illustrate how families could practically meet nutritional guidelines at a low cost.
Link to Google Classroom Assignment
10:00 CAWD Sweatshirt

Let’s use this short window as work time for the CAWD Sweatshirt. Paper drafts are due on Monday, October 18th. You must have approval before moving to digital.
Details: Designs will be drafted on paper first. After creating your analog design, you be approved to go digital. The best tool for this is Adobe Illustrator.
- All designs are allowed two colors
- The sweatshirt will provide the third color.
- Must haves: Logo, & Computer Animation & Web Design
- Our CAWD font is Raleway but Mr. Cronin and I are open to creative expression!
- Check out some of the old sweatshirts for inspiration – skies the limit (sort of)
- (I have an .ai of the Logo for when you to digital design)
The Project:
- Paper sketch / Outline (you can use the printed template if you like)
- Illustrator File with Two artboards: Front / Back
10:35 Mask Break

10:45 Star Wars Fam Film Project
This is work time for your group. Please let me know how I can assist you.
12:15 Lunch

12:45 Ghost Photoshoot technique – attempting that retro color
My first camera was a Canon 110. It held film. That you bought. That you loaded. That you could not preview. That you developed. It was expensive. Your pictures were not too great – unless you got lucky. You never got lucky.
As requested by Hiro, we are going to look at playing with some adjustments to get that vintage look and you can use this technique for your Ghost Photoshoot (or you can use the filter on Instagram).
I wrote up a Reference Sheet on making this effect.
1:10 Mask Break

1:20 Afternoon Production Time and Guided Support
CAWD Sweatshirt Design – (Paper version due Monday)
Vermont Foliage Project – see project details – are you on track?
Star Wars Fan Film Project
3D Photo Gallery (past due)