Class hours: 9:40 – 2:05
Mr. Bohmann
Today’s Notes
- Today is an EHS B Day
- YRBS Survey today
- Bring in portrait for 680 x 420 or larger
- Favorite foliage picture – remind me (if you did not tell me yours)
- Carter – out by 1:30 today for Milton Bus
- Isaac – 12:45 Meeting with Ms. Yopp – Cancelled
- Owen out at 1:45pm today
9:40 Attendance
9:45 About Me

At the end of the first semester you are going to have a very nice digital portfolio of your work. This portfolio will be a hand-coded website that represents you.
One of the pages on your website will be an About Me page. The About Me page is the most visited page on portfolio websites.
People find writing about themselves difficult. The goal is to quickly outline who you are and present a marketed version of yourself. I often think of it as an elevator pitch.
The key is not to go into too much detail, but cover enough ground so the visitor get a good idea of who you are.
- Introduce yourself
- Casual tone, friendly
- Add a few personal details
- Consider adding some awards and recognition
- Consider what professional experience you want to include
- Include a photo of yourself
- Have someone help you proofread and edit
Some examples (there are tons of them out there)
Start the first draft of your About Me page. A template is available in Google Classroom.
Your First Draft is Due by Friday afternoon, November 5th.
10:00 – 11:00 YRBS Survey
The Youth Risk Behavior Survey is an anonymous survey designed to find out what behaviors students are engaging in and the results help the state develop better informed health education programs. The survey asks about mental health issues, seatbelts, fighting, exercise, nutrition, tobacco, alcohol and drug use and sexual behaviors. It is anonymous. Please take it seriously, be honest and read and respond to each question carefully.

11:00 or so – Mask Break

11:00 CSS – Cascading Style Sheets and Semantic HTML

CSS Review on Socrative
CodePen Practice: Let’s take a look at the handout Cinnamon Raisin Rye Bagel . I’ve started a version in CodePen
Together, we’ll write the HTML and CSS necessary to mimic the handout. This will be a good review from last year. We’ll learn:
- adding classes
- using empty elements
- proper semantic html layout
- importing / using custom fonts
- floats
- margin / padding
- css
12:15 Lunch

12:45 ATOM Shortcut Keys (some) and Emmet – for Saving Time

I am all for saving time when coding. There are a lot of tools that make the process easier. There is no substitute for the actual physical typing and building muscle memory of hand coding. However, there are some really robust tools that you can use to help speed things along. Emmet is one of those tools. Emmet CheatSheet
Let’s install the Emmet Package into Atom and play around. Other packages we’ve installed include:
- open in browser
- file-icons
- atom-beautify
- mini-map
- pigments
1:10 Mask Break

1:20 Production Time and Guided Support
CAWD Sweatshirt Design
HTML Resume
About Me paragraph