Class hours: 9:40 – 2:05
Mr. Bohmann

Week Five
Today’s Notes
- Today is an EHS B Day and a CTE Red day
- SLC Candidates – Tuesday, pitch your platform!
- Why be an SLC Student?
- Great for resumes, great for leadership, great for us to have you represent CAWD
- SLC rep will miss some class time – 1/2 every two weeks (meetings are from 11:45-12:15
- Speaking of resumes, do you think you can pick out a resume from a stack in 6 seconds? If you’re Collin Burns, you can solve a Rubik’s cube in 6 seconds. If you are a human resource recruiter, then a recent study proves what you already know – the average recruiter spends about six seconds on a resume. We’ll test this theory out.
- Let the foliage watch begin
- Cameras – charge your batteries!
9:40 Attendance
9:45 Monday Mail Management

Every Monday for five minutes you are going to check your email for any updates, new mail, etc… The school and professionals in the workplace use email (generally) as a primary tool for communication. Delete or archive email that you do not need anymore. We are going to practice keeping a clean inbox and responding and staying up to date on communications from the school, colleges and colleagues.
9:50 Resumes / Workshop

First Drafts are due this morning. Please submit what you have. It is a working document.
How can you make sure your resumes stands out among the crowd? A study of human resource recruiters resume review practices showed that on average just six (6) seconds are spent on first looks.
What will your resume say about you.
Power Words exercise (handout)- which resume power words best summarize what your learning and work experience.
In general, “keeper” resumes are:
- Neatly organized
- Free of grammatical errors
- Show accomplishments and results
- List experience that is related to the position applied for
- Easy to find contact information
Using your power words, work through your resume and add the power words to describe your work.
The goal is to get as much relevant information down and then we can round out the details and formatting later.
- Objective
- Qualifications
- Education
- Experience
- Certifications / Awards
- References
10:35 Mask Break

10:45 English

11:35 Photo Shoot
It’s a nice day and a good opportunity for us to work on a photo shoot. Today’s subject: Apples
We’ll walk up to the apple orchard. Manual Mode and raw settings only.
Your goal:
- Properly exposed subject
- In Focus
- Good composition
Please ask me for assistance as you work to gather your best shots.
When you return to the classroom, open your favorites in camera raw and convert to jpegs after adjusting. Save (in an organized folder).
We will be using one of your photos for a image manipulation project on Tuesday.
12:15 Lunch

12:45 After Effects for Photography
A lot can happen after you press the shutter on your camera. This week, we’ll use our post lunch instruction time to learn about and practice some post photography image manipulation using After Effects. Not only is AE great for motion graphics and video, it is also a nice tool for photography.
Let’s get acclimated to AE for photography by adding some special effects to this sunset photo.
First thing is we’ll add the sun (since I was late to the sunset)
- Import
- Make new file from composition
Exporting & File Handling
AE can take native raw files, psd files and ai files.
The key way to use After Effects in non video related projects is to export to Photoshop when done in AE.
1:10 Mask Break

1:20 Project Worktime
Week Four Motion Tracking Project
Resume: If you have not submitted a first draft, please do so by the end of the day.
Apple Orchard – adjusting image sliders and converting to jpeg
1:55 Dailies
Showcase your manipulated lake photo or your apple orchard photo for today’s dailies.
Public Folders / Cawd2 / Cawd2_Dailies