Class hours: 9:40 – 2:05
Mr. Bohmann
Today’s Notes
- EHS A Day and CTE Blue Day
- CCV class on Friday -we meet at 9:15 bus leaves by 9:20 (great work so far)
- Link to the Vermont Foliage Report – great site!
- Weekend Photos – share out
- Where to take pics? Our class Google Doc on tips / locations
- Resume – Draft 2 – Due Now, Turn in on Google Classroom under the Resume Assignment
9:40 Attendance
9:45 Graph of the Week

Link to Google Classroom Assignment
10:00 Copyright Free Resources
Whenevery possible, consider using your own music or music that is published with a license that allows you to use it in your media projects. Copyright Free does not mean there is no copyright. It means a license has been selected by the creator that allows you some access to the work.
These licenses are called Creative Commons licenses. Every Creative Commons license requires giving appropriate credit. All licenses include, at the very least, “Attribution” which means you must give credit to the creator of the work.
Title, Author, Source & License
Music: “Tra-la-la” by Podington Bear
From: the Free Music Archive
License: CC BY NC
Music: “Comfortable Mystery” by Kevin McLeod
10:25 h1 Sport Showcase – You’re hired

This is a team Sprint and you will be graded together. Teams are self selecting 4 teams total.
(2 teams of three, 2 teams of four).
Create a 30 second promo for h1 sport using After Effects & Premiere (as necessary)
Link to the files
Use what is relevant for your promo, you do not have to use all the files
- KanBan Board outlining the details of the project (shared with me and all members)
- Storyboard
- Music – Use what is provided
- Motion tracking of some kind (1, 2 or 4 point)
- Animated logos
- Visual Effects
- No less than 4 cutaways
- Transitions as appropriate
- Use the logo
- 30 seconds max/min
- HD
- Export as .mp4
- Filename: h1sport_promo.mp4
To really be successful, your team should break up into roles. There are many roles:
- KanBan Manager
- Storyboard artist
- Storyboard writers
- Special Effects / Visual Effects editors
- Sound Editors
- Producers / Directors
- Scrum Master
- TimeKeeper
- Animator(s)
- Compositor
- Creative Director
The Due date for all deliverables and review of the final promo for the Client is set for Wednesday, September 29th at 10am
I cannot stress enough the importance of using your KanBan board to plan.
You are on track today if you have:
- Divided up Roles
- Reviewed all the footage
- Held a planning session to outline story
- Build a storyboard
Of course every group will manage differently.
10:35 Mask Break

10:45 H1 sport promo work time
h1 Sport Production Time
12:15 Lunch

12:45 Motion Graphics – Working with Type
Kinetic typography—the technical name for “moving text”—is an animation technique mixing motion and text to express ideas using video animation. This text is presented over time in a manner intended to convey or evoke a particular idea or emotion.
These Ford Commercials are a classic example
We haven’t done too much with text. Today and next week we’ll explore more about text properties.
1:10 Mask Break

1:20 Production Time
All assignments for the week have been assigned. Check Google Classroom for Date/Submission Details
- Week Five Graph of the Day
- Resume: Draft #2
- Missing Work – Check PS
- Audio Visualizer
- H1 Sport Promo
- Drawing or Python Programming
- Personal Exploration – Cawd related only