Class hours: 9:40 – 2:05
Mr. Bohmann
Today’s Notes
- Today is an EHS B Day and EHS Early Release Day, CTE White Day
- PowerSchool – always good to be checking your grades in PS
- Link to the Vermont Foliage Report – great site!
- Photo Slideshows – anyone for tomorrow (weekends photos)
- New SLC Representative is…..
- SLC meeting at 11:45am today – Room m117
9:40 Attendance
9:45 Motion Tracking Showcase

Let’s take a first look at your motion tracking projects. The goal of this project was to get you more comfortable with the deep features of after effects. Motion tracking makes for much more interesting digital compositions.
Let’s see how you did.
Add to the discussion and provide constructive feedback.
10:35 Rotoscoping and using the Rotobrush tool in After Effects

What the heck is rotoscoping?
Rotoscoping is simply masking out something in your shot that just doesn’t belong. Simply put, rotoscoping is selecting moving footage over time and blocking it out.
Rotoscoping explained – direct from Adobe….
Rotoscope animation describes the process of creating animated sequences by tracing over live-action footage frame by frame. Though it can be time consuming, rotoscoping allows animators to create lifelike characters who move just like people in the real world.
The technique of rotoscoping also made the lightsaber possible.
To create these visual effects in the original Star Wars films, animators drew the color and glow of each lightsaber over the sticks the actors held on every frame in which they appeared.
In After Effects, there is a very powerful tool – the RotoBrush.
Rotobrush Process (how to) for your files. Make a copy for your own reference.
10:35 Mask Break

11:35 AE Audio Visualizers
What happens when you take some beats, adjust settings for frequency and amplitude and combine them with a visual effects software? You get some really nice audio visualizations.
Audio visualizers generate animated imagery. The imagery is usually generated and rendered in real time and in a way synchronized with the music as it is played.
Super Secret Magic Sauce Code (I’ll explain, don’t worry)
value + (comp(“Music”).layer(“Audio Amplitude”).effect(“Both Channels”)(“Slider”)) / 5
Above is an example of an expression. We can pickwhip any (and I many any) effect or setting that has a stop watch to the audio slider. The options are endless, really.
A very thorough resource for Expression Control using After Effects
Free Music Archive (
Basic Audio Visualization Process for your records
Size of your Composition: 1080 x 1080 (Instagram Size)
Make your own visualization. 30 Seconds. Render as .mp4 and place in Google Classroom Dropbox.
Filename: AudioVisualization.mp4
12:15 Lunch

12:45 More AE for Photography – Creating a Double Exposure
1:10 Mask Break

1:20 Project Work Time
- AE Rotobrushing
- AE Visualizer
- Resume, Draft 2
- Isolating Color
- AE Fun Practice