Class hours: 9:40 – 2:05
Mr. Bohmann
Today’s Notes
- We will be having a Fire Drill today at 10:55am (Full evacuation of the buildings)
- CTE Meet and Greet scheduled for 9/23 has been postponed. A new date has not been determined
- Today is a EHS B day. Today is a CTE Blue Day
- CCV classes tomorrow. Lobby at 9:15am
9:40 Attendance
9:45 Graph of the Week

10:00 Animated Logo Showcase
Today we’ll take a look at the Animated Logos you’ve been working on. Play your logo 3 times.
On the third time tell us what you are happy with and what was most challenging (or an aha moment or what you’d like to add further)
Link to the Assignment Dropbox
10:25 Photo Showcase
If you have a slideshow of images you’d like to share with us – here is your platform. We can view in any format, although I’d recommend a slideshow.
When presenting, tell us a bit about the photos and why you chose these to showcase. We also love metadata (like f/stop, shutter, etc….)
10:35 Mask Break

10:45 – 10:55 Individual Work time while we wait for the….
10:55 Fire Drill
11:05 Introduction to Agile Project Management with Scrum & Kanban

Today’s modern office setting, especially in the technology production and design fields is based on solid project management practices. Companies like Dealer, EASports, Zynaga, Google, General Motors all work in teams formed for specific purposes.
The goal of these teams is to deliver ideas to market in the shortest amount of time with the greatest user satisfaction. How do they do it?
Simple – Project Management
Presentation Materials Slide Deck
Definition: The Agile Approach
Is a practice that enables teams to produce high quality work and complete projects early and often. The proven standard for software development.
Today we’ll look at one framework called Scrum and use a tool to help complete our activities. A KanBan board.
Activity – AirForce Airplane Factory – Instructions will be provided.
Activity #2: Trello
Create an account with Trello ( using your school gmail account. The style of board you will be making is called a KanBan board.
Create a KanBan board for (some suggestions to work with)
- College Planning / Application Process
- Personal Project
- School Project
- Champlain College Portfolio Requirements
The point of this activity is to get familiar with the tools available for breaking down a large project into small deliverables. Break your KanBan board into 3 columns: To Do, In Progress, Complete.
Begin to create your To Do’s (also called a Project Backlog) on your board.
You will share your KanBan board with me (
12:15 Lunch

12:45 Single Point Tracking with Text and Masks

Let’s look at the drifting car and add some motion graphics to the Null that holds the tracking.
We’ll use a combination of strokes, trim paths and masks.
1:10 Mask Break

1:20 Project Work Time
You have several projects:
- Masking Project (past due)
- Motion Tracking Project (assigned yesterday, due next week)
- Resume (first draft)