Class hours: 9:40 – 2:05
Mr. Bohmann
Today’s Notes
- Today is an EHS B Day
- Did you know…. Vacation is from December 23rd – January 2nd!
- Did you know…. Quarter 2 Midpoint is Friday
- Did you know…
- 107,800 live Twitch broadcasts are going on at any given time The US has the biggest share of Twitch viewers. It’s home to nearly a quarter of all users
- 65% of Twitch users are men
- 73% of Twitch users are below the age of 35
- The Twitch app has been downloaded over 100 million times
- League of Legends is the most-watched title on Twitch, with streams of the video game accumulating 42.55 billion watch hours
- Twitch’s annual revenue is $1.54 billion
9:40 Attendance
9:45 Week 14 Graph of the Day
When you’re done — Some light comedy on the topic
10:00 Mood Board Presentations Continued….
For those that did not get to go yesterday, we’ll finish up the presentations this morning.
10:15 Purinton Tree Farm Work Time
10:35 Mask Break
10:45 Class Code Project #1
Responsive Animated Navbar with CSS
Let’s Codepen a nice little navbar with some features that include:
- Flyout Menu
- Transitions
- Hover Effects
- Font-Awesome
- Flexbox
- Lorem Ipsum Generators
- variables
11:15 Class Code Project #2
Navbar with Social Media & Call to Action Button
Let’s Codepen a modern and clean navbar with some features that include:
- Font-awesome
- Variables
- Hover Effects
- Custom Colors
- Button class
- aria and sr-only classes
Time?? Any extra time we’ll dedicate towards the Purinton Tree Farm Project
12:15 Lunch
12:45 Pre-learning – Custom Divs
Websites are usually full of square content. Like a div (a generic element). But, you don’t have to be square!
I want you to explore the following websites. We’ll talk about Custom Divs & SVGs next week:
1:10 Mask Break
1:20 Production Time and Guided Support
Purinton Tree Farm Redesign (due December 8th)
Late / Overdue Work