Class hours: 9:40 – 2:05
Mr. Bohmann

Today’s Notes
- Happy Friday! – Snow is coming this weekend!
- We will be hosting a presentation by the U.S. Coast Guard next Wednesday, Jan. 19 at 10 a.m. in the CTE Conference Room – Let me know if you are interested
- If you are on track, you will be complete with the coding / linking of your Desktop version of your Portfolio by the end of the day. The site may not be pretty but you have:
- complete head tags with meta data
- page titles in head tag
- head tag with favicon
- all pages linking with navigation
- content in place, but maybe in need of some love
- collection of all your assets
- If you are on track, you are starting to consider your mobile version. You only need one breakpoint.
- Next week we will look at your mobile wireframes and you will begin coding for one breakpoint.
- Next week we’ll begin usability testing.
9:40 Attendance
9:45 Focus on Literacy Introduction – Q3

Reading Stats from 2021
- People aged 15–44 in the US spend 10 minutes or less per day reading
- 43 million US adults possess low literacy skills
- In terms of literacy rate, the USA ranks 125th out of 194 nations.
- 27% of adults in the US didn’t read a book in 2018
- Teenage reading statistics show over 80% of don’t read for pleasure on a daily basis.
- 6 additional minutes of reading per day can significantly improve kids’ reading performance
- Students who read at least 20 minutes a day are exposed to almost 2 million words per year
- Reading can reduce stress by up to 68%
- Reading stats show that 50% of people who read before bed report sleeping better than non-readers
- Reading facts and statistics show that teenagers who read in their leisure time know 26% more words than those who don’t
- Reading increases emotional intelligence, and consequently, your career outlooks
9:55 Performance Tasks

Google Classroom Link to Performance Task Template
Identify 3 scenarios/performance tasks for users to do while visiting your portfolio.
You could have them find and download your resume, locate a specific best works, find out your contact information….. you get the idea.
You will test these tasks with multiple users and observe and record your results.
Here is a link to the ones I wrote last week for Mr. Curtis.
10:35 Mask Break

10:45 – 12:15 Portfolio Production Time

12:15 Lunch

12:45 Blender – Game Asset Creation

Blender and Unity are excellent programs for game asset development and prototyping. Let’s continue our week of Back to Blender with a game asset exercise.
For our afternoon post lunch sprint, think about a game object that you could add to a video game you enjoy playing. I’ve been playing Risk of Rain 2, so what comes to mind to me are some environmental features like towers, outdoor structures, information kiosks, cache boxes/chests.
Don’t worry about materials, just focus on modeling. Think of a game you play, create a game asset, it does not have to be finished but get as far as you can up to the break.
Name the asset_lastname and place in today’s public folders. If you are at home, you can render an image and email it to me. Don’t spend more than 30 minutes on this. This is ungraded, so relax, have fun with it.
Why ungraded? I’ve been using this week to see how each of you work in Blender, assessing what you know and where your skill set lies.
1:10 Mask Break

1:20 Portfolio Production Time
2:00 Homework for Tuesday – “what the what?
- Paper wireframe of your mobile design pages
- Bring a book or an idea of a book you’d like to read