Week One – August 25th – 27th
Class hours: 9:40 – 2:05
Mr. Bohmann | wbohmann@ewsd.org
School’s Back – Welcome Seniors!

Welcome to Cawd 2 – we are all together!
My name is Will Bohmann. We’ve met before. You can call me Mr. Bohmann (bow-min – with a long “o”) or Mr. B or “Bohmann”
We’ll be using assigned seats for the first quarter and then we’ll decide where to go from there.
Masks – yes we are still wearing them, everyday until we are told otherwise. Wearing your mask is a requirement in class and at CTE. Like last year, we’ll take mask breaks and can remove them for eating and drinking.
Lots of paperwork on your desk, but no worries. You can login to your computer using “student” as the password. Don’t worry about logging in to Adobe yet. We can tackle together a little later.
9:40 Attendance
Index Cards – are underneath your screen with your name on it. Please write the name you’d like to be called underneath the name that I wrote on the card. We’ll go through the following questions together…
- What is a topic or topic(s) you are excited or interested in learning about this year?
- What’s something CAWD related that you would like to improve upon?
- Tell me something that you are good at (does not have to be school related)
- What is something you’d like me to know about you?
Time Capsule – we’re going to write a note to ourselves. Only you will see this note. We’ll seal it today and open on the last day of class at the end of the school year. Last year we had a lot of fun with this. Use the envelope and the sticky not I’ve provided to you.
Suggested Prompt – What is something you’d like to accomplish by the end of this school year? What would you like to say to your future self when the school year is over?

Our Schedule – I’ll do my best to explain the flow of each Cawd day. A visual schedule can be found following this link.

EHS student early afternoon release
Room Tour (folders, equipment, drink stations)
Student Handbook highlights
10:35 Mask Break

10:45 Cawd 2 Lit class – On Mondays and Tuesdays
Lit classes with Ms. Cynthia Yopp are held in Cawd 2 on Mondays and Tuesdays. Academic assignments will be tied to or are tangent to activities and learning targets we are doing in Cawd 2. Ms. Yopp will be using her own gradebook and your assignments that you complete will be graded according to her grading scale.
Grading – I’ll be grading your work in Cawd 2 based on two weighted categories. Employability Traits (20%) and Projects (80%). Let’s discuss what Employability Traits are.
Setting up Your Workstations
- Cups, Pencils, Rulers, Sketchbooks, etc….
- Activate Adobe Licenses (use school email address, choose company or organization)
- Blender 2.93
- Wacom Tablets and drivers (CTL 4100)
- Setting up browser preferences & difference between signing on to email vs. browser
- Email, Create a professional email signature
- Google Classroom – Join
- Send me an email when you are all done with the list. Professional email only (always!).
- Adding Public Folders path and pinning to your quick links
Summer Sketch
11:30 Adobe Illustrator

Adobe Illustrator is a vector graphics program. Vector graphics are scalable and do
not lose quality as they are sized up and down. Logos, web icons, clip art, etc…
Adobe Photoshop is raster based and uses pixels to create images. Photoshop is an
excellent tool for editing and creating photos and raster based art.
Take a look at the difference below:

During Quarter 1 we’ll be building media for the web so we’ll be using both Adobe products (Illustrator and Photoshop) extensively. We’ll also get familiar with Adobe Bridge for file management and Camera Raw for adjusting levels of our photos.
Activity – Adobe Illustrator Review & Artwork Basics (artboards, line tools, basic shapes and shapebuilder tool). All files are located in the Public Folder under CAWD2 in a folder Called AI Basics.
We’ll tackle some basics together.
12:15 – 12:45 Lunch

All students have access to free breakfast and lunch everyday! We’ll walk down the
hall together this. You are encouraged to eat your meals in the cafeteria this year (it is open) and then return to the classroom when you are done with your meal.
12:45 – 1:10 Illustrator Continued….
1:10 Mask Break

1:20 Illustrator Practice
1:50 Dailies
Getting to know you: Presentation of your drawing