Class hours: 9:40 – 2:05
Mr. Bohmann

Today’s Notes
- Today is an EHS A Day and CTE Blue Day
- No CTE school tomorrow or Monday – Yes! We’ll return together on Tuesday
- Vermont Foliage Report – Get out there – color everywhere – I’ll be here on Saturday
- Vermont Foliage Report – Bolton, Waterbury, Middlebury, Hinesburg, Richmond, Huntington probably good
- Photo Assignment Requirements Reference Sheet
- CCV classes in session / online. Don’t forget
9:40 Attendance
9:45 WorkKeys
Some students will be leaving at 9:45 for alternate room location. (Vincent, Arson, Renzo, Isaac, Owen). You will be testing in room m112 (Mr. Bisson’s old room).
For those that are in this room, I will be reading you instructions on how to get started.
As I mentioned yesterday, Cawd has done really well with the WorkKeys testing. I ask that you try your best and represent the bright minds that we have in our program.
Students that score a 5 will earn IRC credentials. Score a 6 or 7 and you earn college credit at Vermont State Schools. That’s a value of over $1200 just for doing your best!
When testing is complete / if you finish before 11am. (there is a 55 minute time limit), you are not allowed on the computers or access to your cell phone. Use the time you have to complete an Inktober Sketch or read a magazine or book.
Inktober Prompts are on the big screen. Grab an index card and black pen, relax and enjoy!
10:00 Work Keys Testing – Workplace Documents

Workplace Documents: Employees need to be able to understand written text to do a job. The Workplace Documents assessment measures the skills people use when they read and use written text such as memos, letters, directions, signs, notices, bulletins, policies, and regulations on the job.
11:00 Mask Break

11:10 Small Production Window
11:30 SuperPower Showcase
Let’s see your SuperPower showcase. When presenting share with us:
- Effects used
- Challenges
- Take – aways (something you learned in the process)
12:15 Lunch

12:45 CAWD Sweatshirts! | Design Challenge

Big Picture: Redesign the CAWD Sweatshirt. This year the sweatshirt will be the same style (hoody with no zipper) as we had last year. There are four color options (charcoal grey, navy, black, chocolate) The first step is to vote on the color. Voting Form.
The second step is to create the design. Each CAWD2 student will individually create a design. The winning design will be printed and all students in the CAWD program will receive a sweatshirt (free). Last year the runner up design was used to print t-shirts.
Details: Designs will be drafted on paper first. After creating your analog design, you be approved to go digital. The best tool for this is Adobe Illustrator.
- All designs are allowed two colors
- The sweatshirt will provide the third color.
- Must haves: Logo, & Computer Animation & Web Design
- Our CAWD font is Raleway but Mr. Cronin and I are open to creative expression!
- Check out some of the old sweatshirts for inspiration – skies the limit (sort of)
- (I have an .ai of the Logo for when you to digital design)
The Project:
- Paper sketch / Outline (you can use the printed template if you like)
- Illustrator File with Two artboards: Front / Back
Due Dates:
All paper sketches are due by Monday, October 18th, end of day.
1:10 Mask Break

1:20 Afternoon Production / Guided Support
- SuperPowers (due today)
- 3D Photo Gallery (due Friday)
- Paper design / sketch (October 18th)
- Vermont Foliage Project