Class hours: 9:40 – 2:05
Mr. Bohmann

Today’s Notes
- Today is an EHS B day and early release
- EHS students that have afternoon class, your lunch is at 11:55
- Student Leadership Committee Meeting – Ryan begins at 11:45
- Carter, Owen and Isaac released to the bus at 1:25
- Today and tomorrow are unusual days with the testing. So, I won’t be doing any new content. Use the time windows you have to get support and finish up your projects. Our goal is to start next week fresh with no overdue work.
- National Technical Honor Society – Let’s do the numbers
- Inktober Prompts – if you finish the ACT assessment early, please work quietly doing an Inktober Sketch. Choose any of the prompts that you like.
9:40 Attendance
9:45 ACT Testing / Alternate Room Testing
Some students will be leaving at 9:45 for alternate room location. (Vincent, Arson, Renzo, Isaac, Owen). You will be testing in room m112 (Mr. Bisson’s old room).
For those that are in this room, I will be reading you instructions on how to get started.
As I mentioned yesterday, Cawd has done really well with the WorkKeys testing. I ask that you try your best and represent the bright minds that we have in our program.
When testing is complete / if you finish before 11am. (there is a 55 minute time limit), you are not allowed on the computers or access to your cell phone. Use the time you have to complete an Inktober Sketch or read a magazine or book.
Inktober Prompts are on the big screen. Grab an index card and black pen, relax and enjoy!
10:00 WorkKeys Testing – Applied Math

The Applied Math assessment measures critical thinking, mathematical reasoning, and problem solving techniques for situations that actually occur in today’s workplace.
11:00 Mask Break

11:10 Small Production Window
Use this time to get your typography assignment showcase ready.
11:30 Kinetic Typography Showcase
Let’s have a look at your Kinetic Typography Projects.
11:45 Supported production / Production Window
12:15 Lunch

12:45 h1 Sport Production Time – Team Sprint

Let’s put a bow on these final h1 projects. One representative from each team will email me the completed .mp4 for grading.
1:10 Mask Break

1:20 Afternoon Production / Support Time
- Kinetic Typography (now due)
- SuperPowers with Saber (due tomorrow)
- 3D PhotoGallery (due Friday)
- h1 Sport Second Draft (now due, when ready)