Class hours: 9:40 – 2:05
Mr. Bohmann

Today’s Notes
- Today is an EHS B Day
- Milton is NOT an early release day today
- Shut down all computers and power today at 1:05pm. No Power
- Clean, Minimize, Organize
- Take A Survey
9:40 Attendance & NEASC Survey
The New England Association of Schools and Colleges certifies our school’s accreditation. The purpose of this survey is to gather student opinions about how well your school is meeting your needs. The survey is confidential, and results will be used to help improve your school. Please answer all questions as accurately and honestly as possible.
Survey Link
9:45 Bootstrap Single Page Website Presentations
For today we will go in Reverse Alphabetical Order. Show us your Bootstrap site. Complete the following statement:
“The great thing about Bootstrap is……“
- Vargas
- Stark
- Roberge
- Nolin
- Marshall
- Marcou
- Mahar
- Hayden
- Hall
- Crocker
- Arpey
- Airoldi
10:25 Game Day Begins (if you are all caught up)
I will grade throughout the day. You can turn items in and get qualified for game day. If you are incomplete, you may game over your breaks and lunch.
Let’s cover the rules there are but a few:
Eating – We’ll eat at designated break times 10:35-10:45 and Lunch. We need to keep masks on
Noise – Be aware of others – use those inside voices you remember being told to use when you were ten
Language – it’s a classroom so let’s keep it professional
Gore Level – minimal. So far the games I have seen have been ok. If you want to not worry, ESRB ratings of T and E for everyone is best.
12:15 – 12:45 Lunch