Class hours: 9:40 – 2:05
Mr. Bohmann
Week Six
Today’s Notes
- Today is an EHS A Day and a CTE Red Day
- CCV class on October 8th – remember you have to get yourself there
- No CTE classes on Friday, October 8th and Monday, October 11th
- Vermont Foliage Report
- Link to our own Foliage Report and Tips Google Doc. Feel free to add
- Desktop Backgrounds Vote
9:40 Attendance & Mail

Take 5 minutes to look through, read and respond to any mail you may have.
9:45 h1 Sport Project Work Time

We are going to start today with each group having a quick scrum meeting.
Huddle up and take turns asking:
What you have accomplished, What you are working on next and potential support you may need
Update your KanBan boards on Trello
10:35 Mask Break

10:45 English with Ms. Yopp

11:35 Kinetic Typography
Kinetic typography – the technical name for “moving text” is an animation technique mixing motion and text to express ideas using video animation. Choosing the right text / font / animation presented over time is a powerful way to convey or evoke a particular idea or emotion.
Let’s practice a simple one together – Since the new Bond film is coming out, I’ll use a classic James Bond line as our sample.
Link to .mp3 and a sample image
We’ll use some shortcut keys like:
- (L) to show audio
- (LL) to show audio waveform
- [ left bracket key to push audio to playhead
- { and } to trim clips in the layers panel
- F9 to easy ease keyframes
- PreCompose to group a bunch of layer content
Sample student project using Kinetic Typography
Week Six Creative Project: Kinetic Typography Composition
Using After Effects, create your own kinetic typography. You could:
- Animated text to sound(s)
- Animation shape to sound(s)
- Add motion and text on a path
- Visualize some movie quotes
- Animated the ABC’s
There are lots of things you can do, don’t make me think if it for you! Add color, fonts, masks and effects that fit the project to really make it stand out.
Details: 1 minute, 1920 by 1080, rendered as .mp4
*You may use copyrighted audio
Filename: kinetic_lastname.mp4
Drop in the Google Classroom assignment dropbox.
12:15 Lunch

12:45 Animating Text on a Path
Let’s look some simple text animations by creating some shape paths and applying a mask to a path
1:10 Mask Break

1:20 Project Work time
You have two working projects due Wednesday:
- Audio Visualization
- h1 Sport Promo
You have one new project assigned:
- Kinetic Typography Creative Project