Class hours: 9:40 – 2:05
Mr. Bohmann

Today’s Notes
- Today is an EHS B Day and a CTE Blue Day
- Last day of September
- Vermont Foliage Report
- Class Foliage Tips Google Doc
- CTE is closed on October 8th and 11th – no school for you, except you do have CCV
- Article about the new features in Adobe Camera Raw
9:40 Attendance
9:45 Graph of the Week
Answer each of the GOTW questions with well thought out responses. Try to make meaning of the graph you are viewing. You can find the assignment in Google Classroom
The more you write, the more connections you’ll make. Take some chances and try to connect what / how will this graph impact you and your community.

Review of the Photography Assignment Due in October
Google Doc with all the necessary info
10:00 Admin Visit
Richard Wright will be joining us this morning to go over some details about what it means to be part of a community at CTE. Please turn your monitors off and store your phones away.

10:35 Mask Break

10:45 Team Sprint
h1 Feedback. Incorporate the client feedback and quickly work to revise your h1 sport promo.
Your team can email me your final version when complete.
This is a sprint, so work together and work quickly.
11:30 Video CoPilot and Saber

As we saw yesterday, the free Saber plugin is really powerful. A full tutorial from the author is pretty inclusive of a lot of the settings and use of Saber. If you enjoy this kind of effect, I encourage you to view the video and learn more.
Using the footage that you shot yesterday, create a composition (about 10 – 30 seconds) that includes:
- One or more superpower clips
- Video CoPilot’s Saber Effect (can be a saber or mask or text)
- Color Correction adjustments
- 1 additional special effect
- Sound Effects FreeSound, YouTube Studio, Incomptech
This project is due on Wednesday next week.
*If you need/want to reshoot footage, you may do so.
Filename: AESuperpowers_lastname.mp4 and drop in the Google Classroom Dropbox
12:15 Lunch

12:45 2D looks with Auto Trace by Color Channels
For the guided lesson let’s look at the powerful autotrace feature, layer masks and color channels
1:10 Mask Break

1:20 Production Time – Use this time!
Due Next Week:
- Lower Thirds (Oct. 4th)
- Kinetic Typography (Oct. 6th)
- AE Superpowers (Oct. 7th)