Class hours: 9:40 – 2:05
Mr. Bohmann
Today’s Notes
- Today is an EHS B Day and a CTE Red Day
- CCV class on October 8th – remember you have to get yourself there
- No CTE classes on Friday, October 8th and Monday, October 11th
- Vermont Foliage Report
- Link to our own Foliage Report and Tips Google Doc. Feel free to add
- Student Leadership Committee meets tomorrow at 11:45 – 12:30
- CTE will again be giving away warm jackets, gloves, hats and boots to students in need. If your family has something to donate, you can drop by the main office.
9:40 Attendance
9:45 h1 Sport Group Time

We are going to start today with each group having a quick scrum meeting.
Huddle up and take turns asking:
What you have accomplished, What you are working on next and potential support you may need
Update your KanBan boards on Trello
Review September 23rd Dayplan for all deliverables. Each team is scheduled to present at 10am. Be prepared to show:
- Storyboard
- Trello Board
- Promo
- Talk about the process
Render your final work to .mp4, filename: h1sport_promo.mp4
Each team member will submit a copy of the final .mp4
10:35 Mask Break

10:45 English with Ms. Yopp

11:35 Lower Thirds

Lower Thirds are also referred to as L3s. Essentially a lower third is a non-intrusive motion graphic that displays necessary information such as name, place, fact or process. You may consider some details like:
- Typography
- Animation
- Shape
- Color
Always consider how the L3 blends with the content it is displayed with. Design does matter!
Helvetica, Lato and most Sans Serif fonts look best.
Let’s make a basic one together.
Did you know that some people make these for a living? Have a look at many of the lower thirds you can buy. Motion graphic templates are big business. Good thing we know how to make our own.
Week Six Lower Thirds Project:
- Create at least two lower thirds in addition to the one we make in class. That will earn a B.
- Make 3 lower thirds along with the one we made in class and you qualify for A status.
- Place all of your lower thirds in one Project.
- Make individual compositions for each of your lower thirds
- Combine in one final composition
- Export as .mp4 for our viewing pleasure
- Filename: CustomLowerThirds_Lastname.mp4 and drop in the Assignment Dropbox
- Save all your .aep files too!
12:15 Lunch

12:45 Working with 3D text and Cinema4D
Let’s look at the Cinema4D tool to create some animated and extruded text elements
Hopefully our machines will not crash! When using Cinema4D some effects do not work. Be sure to review the effects that do no render when you consider using. You will see a list when you choose in the composition settings panel.
1:10 Mask Break

1:20 Production Work Time
Due Tomorrow:
- Audio Visualization
- h1 Promo
Due Next Week:
- Kinetic Typography Assignment
- Lower Thirds Project