Class hours: 9:40 – 2:05
Mr. Bohmann

Today’s Notes
- Today is an A Day at EHS and Early Release. It is a White Day for CTE
- Colchester students that rely on busing to get home need to leave the classroom at 1:25 for 1:30 Bus
- Cameras – battery charged and space on your SD card required
- Ryan – SLC today
- Carter – early bus, leave by 1:25
9:40 Attendance
9:45 h1 Project Sprint

Last chance to finalize your work and have a quick Scrum meeting with your team.
Presentation Order:
- Arson, Ashton, Jack
- Hiro, Ryan, Vincent,
- Carter, Dan, Isaac, Renzo
- Dan, Jasper, Jay, Owen
10:00 h1 Project Presentations

With your group, you will be presenting your work to the client. Those items include:
- Storyboard
- Trello Board
- Promo Video (played twice)
Questions to consider: Did the KanBan board assist with your production? Was the scrum meeting valuable? What challenges did you face? What did you learn on this short project sprint? What would you still like to do / improve?
If you had more time, what would your group do next?
10:35 Mask Break

10:45 Audio Visualizations
Let’s take a look at the work you completed using After Effects and audio. We’ll use a random order.
11:15 Video CoPilot Plug-in [Saber] and Special Effects

You’ll need your cameras and and partner. Film some powerful poses:
- Hands over head squeezing the plant or Hands over head stretching hands slowly
- Hands at chest squeezing a powerful force
- Shooting power from your hands
- Broomstick, slicing and chopping
When we get back to the classroom we’ll play around with some of the effects and see what you all come up with.
You’ll need to install the Video CoPilot Saber Plug In. Here is the link to the downloads page.
Today’s Dailies will be your own saber creation.
12:15 Lunch

12:45 Color Correction
Let’s look at some color correction work you can do in After Effects to get some different moods and styles to your work. We’ll also look at 3D text.
1:10 Mask Break

1:20 Production Time
Due Next Week:
- Kinetic Typography
- Lower Thirds
Have fun / play with Saber Effects – try things out
1:55 Dailies – Let’s see your saber effects