Class hours: 9:40 – 2:05
Mr. Bohmann
Today’s Notes
- Today is an EHS B Day
- PE is canceled today
- January 12th – Extension of the food drive
- CCV Class – final class is on Friday. Meet in Lobby at 9:15. Ms. Cordner will take attendance
- MMU students are visiting our program today – 10:05 – 10:35 We’ll do some learning together with them
9:40 Attendance
9:45 Graph of the Week – Sports Injuries (ouch!)

The graph of the week this week is an interactive graph on Sports Injuries. Consider looking at the different age groups and sports by years and see what sports cause the most ER visits.
What do you notice? What do you wonder? Why might the data be changing year over year? How does this impact you or your community?
10:05 Visitors from MMU

For today we are going to do some photo restoration in Photoshop. Restoring photos is pretty easy with the power of Adobe. This lesson will likely be repeated as it is a good hands-on lesson that our visitors can participate in and a nice way to get them involved with our technology.
The image we are working with is in Public Folders. I’ll provide the instruction.
10:35 Mask Break

10:45 CAWD2 Project: Personal Website – Senior Portfolio – Introduction
Of all the things a web site may be, a web portfolio is a curated selection of work that provides an overview of your creative experience. It basically tells someone how you want to be understood. A web portfolio can also serve as your main communication hub where the rest of your online presence branches out from.
The last major project of this quarter is the creation of your very own hand coded portfolio. We will begin this project after we return in the new year. This project will be the culmination of the web tools, design and development you have been exploring over the last month.
Portfolio Details – Make a Copy
11:00 Project – Single Page Scrolling Website

The last project before we head to the Holiday break will incorporate the Bootstrap Framework. It will be a single page website where the navigation scrolls to different sections of the page.
Project Deliverables:
- One Page website build using Bootstrap
- Mobile friendly below 576px (sm breakpoint)
- Navbar with links to each section
- Links are set as id (so it scrolls to the different sections – (example))
- 5 sections – minimum
- 1 footer with copyright information and your name
- Incorporate Bootstrap Icons somewhere on your site
- Head tag with meta data, keywords, title, author
- Clean Validation of HTML and CSS (if you use additional CSS)
Subject: Anything you like. Each section could be information, images, content about your favorite video games, Anime characters and their power/quirks, best movies of all time, card game variations, best/worst cars to own, Spotify end of year summary broken down by artist or genres, podcasts we should checkout, holiday cookie recipes, etc…
I encourage you to plan on paper first as to consider how to organize and layout your site.
I encourage you to consult the Bootstrap Docs page to learn about different components you might want to use like the accordion, carousel, buttons and modals. Bootstrap has a lot of great components ready for you.
I encourage you to look at Bootstraps Examples – there are many great resources all available to assist you.
This project is due on Wednesday, December 22nd at 9:45am on the server. We’ll present our work before we begin our fun game day. This project must be complete to participate in game day.
This may seem like a challenging project, but assure you with good planning, this is pretty easy. We’ll begin now!
11:55 Presentations of the Pho Hong Menu
Let’s see how you used Bootstrap to create your own menu. Let us know what classes you used and how the Bootstrap experience went.
12:15 Lunch

12:45 Skinny Lesson or Work Time
1:10 Mask Break

1:20 Production Time and Guided Support
- Single Page Website using Bootstrap (due Wednesday, December 22nd)
- Past Due Work
- Passion Project (if you are good at balancing your work)
1:55 Font-Perfect Showcase
I’ll pull them up from the server – make sure you have FTP’d them for grading