Class hours: 9:40 – 2:05
Mr. Bohmann

Today’s Notes
- Today is an EHS A Day
- Ryan – SLC meeting at 11:45 – 12:30 Bring lunch with you
- Early release for Carter today @1:30pm
- PreTech Two visitors today – Let’s be sure to share why you picked Cawd program-
9:40 Attendance
9:45 Bootstrap Quiz
No worries – just the basics here. With your partner, open up Socrative and work through the questions for this little space race. You may need to consult the Bootstrap Docs page to assist you.
- Jack/Vincent
- Arson/Ashton
- Ryan/Jaymeson
- Renzo/Jasper
- Isaac/Carter
- Dan M/Owen/Hiro
10:00 Bootstrap Rows
Hiro asked a question yesterday about rows. Let’s dive a little deeper….
Rows are designed to be column containers. If we don’t state a size, the row will distribute the columns along the grid inside the row. Let’s look at an example in CodePen. (be sure to fork it). What happens when we have more than three columns in a row? What if we don’t specify an amount to space on the grid?
Row Columns (row-cols-__) classes create an equi-distant grid of content. This is really handy if you want to create a grid of images or content. The only drawback is that they do not scale as nicely depending on how many row-cols you create. Your limit with row-col is 5. (1-5)
Let’s make some robots while we do this too. You’ll see what I mean.

10:25 Prepare for Visitors
Pull the items you want to share with your visitors. You have about 40 minutes to share work with the students and have them learn about why Cawd & Cawd 2 were the programs for you.
10:35 Mask Break

10:45 – 11:30am PreTech Visits to CAWD / CAWD2
PreTech Student | CAWD2 Student |
Ariel Hassenberg | Isaac |
Richard Peters | Jack |
Dylan Companion | Jaymeson |
Scott Costello-Terifay | Owen |
Alyssa Weston-Clodgoe | Ashton / Arson |
Sage Ackley | Hiro |
Damien May | Dan M. |
Nicholas Cosner | Renzo |
Kevin Wallace | Ryan |
Additional Student / Standby | Vincent |
We are going to follow a similar format to what the first year CAWD students are doing. Essentially showing our visitors what we are doing in CAWD and interacting with them.
With your visitor:
- Show them some of your photos from Photography
- Teach them how to edit / convert a RAW file to a jpeg using Camera Raw (let them try it)
- Show them some of your visual effects projects – Maybe your StarWars Movie
- Talk to them about the process of filming and editing, how special effects work
- Show them your website redesign project
- Show them how to launch the inspector and inspect and change a webpage (let them try it)
- Have your visitor help you find a good font for your movie quotes
- Show them how to code up the changes and explain the ATOM editor
- Your Choice option – what do you want to teach them – share something you learned and / or are good at: Blender, Color Picking, Working in Illustrator of Photoshop, Tips / Trick in Premiere, Photo restoration…
11:30 – 12:15pm Bootstrap Nav

Working with the Navbar elements. Navbars in Bootstrap can get pretty long – and confusing. We’ll try to keep things simple by breaking down the structure. CodePen is a perfect place to test out the Navbar and some of the features.
12:15 Lunch

12:45 Skinny Lesson – Bootstrap Icons
1:10 Mask Break

1:20 Production Time and Guided Support
Pho Hong Menu (due Today)
Incomplete Work