Class hours: 9:40 – 2:05
Mr. Bohmann
Week Ten (10)

Today’s Notes
- Today is an EHS A Day
- Tomorrow is Tuesday – CTE Spirit week is Tropical Tuesday
- Quarter Ends Friday
- Your Resume is Due today – drop in Google Classroom
- Cameras – Check back in on Thursday
9:40 Attendance & Monday Mail

9:45 Star Wars Fan Film – Production Window

Scrum and Production Meetings – Be sure to update your KanBan planning documents with tasks accomplished and any new items that need to be completed but may not be on the board.
While planning/production windows are closing, your team may discuss how you can wrap up your project. Take a look at the Project Rubric to make sure you have all of the required elements covered. Remember, the deliverables are:
Project Deliverables:
- Introductory Title Sequence with special effects
- Closing credits
- Minimum of six cut aways (different shots)
- Saber Effects on Fight or SuperPower Scene
- Copyright Free Sound/Music/images
- 30 Seconds in length minimum (if you do bloopers, make it a separate project)
- Storyboard
- KanBan Board (trello) or analog
- 1920 by 1080p, 29.97 fps
- Filename: TheForceV1.mp4
We are going to watch our films on Thursday of this week beginning at 10am!
10:35 Mask Break

10:45 English with Ms. Yopp

11:35 Building an excellent slideshow in Premiere Pro!
The Vermont Foliage Assignment is due on Wednesday. One of the requirements is a slideshow of your work (but you already know that). Sure you can use Google slides but why not unlock some of that Adobe Power just like we did in After Effects but this time we’ll do it in Premiere!
- Presets for DSLR
- Slide duration
- Polaroid & Shadows &
- Transitions
- Effects Controls
- Titles & Custom Titles
- Motion / Ken Burns & 3D
- Export Presets
We’ll have one more production window for the Fan Film. I’ll also be meeting with each of you to check in on your Q1 progress and go over any work that I don’t have a grade for.
12:15 Lunch

12:45 Production Sprint & Grades Check-in
We’ll have one more production window for the Fan Film. If you are done, you can use this time for other project work. I’ll also be meeting with each of you to check in on your Q1 progress and go over any work that I don’t have a grade for.
1:10 Mask Break

1:20 Production Time and Guided Support
All assignments have been assigned for the Quarter.
- Resumes (now Due)
- Vermont Foliage Assignment (Due Wednesday)
- Halloween Projection Loop (Due Wednesday)
- Star Wars Fan Film (Due Thursday)