Class hours: 9:40 – 2:05
Mr. Bohmann

Today’s Notes
- Today is Retro Day – Tomorrow is Halloween – Costumes!
- Today is an EHS B Day
- CCV Class tomorrow – be in the lobby at 9:15. I will not be there to check you in.
- Students who have afternoon PE (1:15 – 2:05) that we will be meeting in the back third of the gym and that they absolutely need sneakers!
- Cameras are due today – Check in with me sometime today
- Foliage Slideshow – Marcou!
9:40 Attendance
9:45 Graph of the Week

10:00 FileZilla

Let’s see if we can break the server. Actually, let’s just see if we all can login and create our first file. Your username and password have been mailed to you.
FTP or File Transfer Protocol is a communication protocol used for the transfer of computer files from a server to a client on a computer network. In our case we (are the client) and the website we are going to create is on another computer (server).
We’ll use FTP to move files securely back and forth.
Username example: but this is not the case for everyone
Password – has been mailed to you.
Let’s test with a quick Hello World
Mini Sprint
Anytime extra before break can be used to finish projection loop, fan film or late work.
10:35 Mask Break

10:45 Presentations: Star Wars Fan Film Project
Let see what all this editing turned out. We’ll watch each of the films twice. Your graded Rubric will need to be turned in at the end. This is a celebration of your Star Wars Fan films.
Fan Film Presentation Order:
- Ashton, Arson, Jaymeson, Dan
- Carter, Isaac, Renzo
- Vincent, Dan, Jack
- Hiro, Jasper, Owen, Ryan
Let’s all share feedback, constructively of course. Wish Sandwich
Mini Sprint
Anytime extra after Star Wars can be used to finish projection loop, fan film or late work.
11:45 Halloween Projection Loops –
Reverse Alphabetical order:
Vincent, Owen, Ryan, Ashton, Jasper, Carter, Dan, Jack, Arson, Hiro, Renzo, Isaac, Jaymeson, Dan A.
Make sure you have a copy of your Rubric.
12:15 Lunch

12:45 CAWD Sweatshirt and/ Halloween Challenge
Halloween Challenge:
Digital Art, Sketchbook, Blender – choose a tool and medium that you desire and let the undead be heard! Let those werewolves holler, bubble that cauldron and create your very own Halloween themed artifact. All creations will be shared out during Dailies today.
1:10 Mask Break

1:20 Project Worktime & Guided Support
Finish any Q1 work
CAWD Sweatshirt Design
Halloween Challenge