Class hours: 9:40 – 2:05
Mr. Bohmann
Today’s Notes
- Today is an EHS A Day and Early Release Day for EHS students that ride the bus and CTE White Day
- Carter – early release at 1:30 today
- Thursday is Retro Day for CTE Spirit Week, dress your favorite decade
- Cameras – time to return them. If you have yours now, I’ll take it and mark you done.
- Jaymeson, Owen or Dan – please email me your final h1 Sport video today.
- Article – What’s next? Vision of the future
9:40 Attendance
9:45 Vermont Fall Foliage Photography Assignment Celebration

This morning we are going to sit back and enjoy your foliage pictures. We’ll present in alphabetical order.
- Daniel A
- Jaymeson
- Isaac
- Renzo
- Hiro
- Arson
- Jack
- Dan M.
- Carter
- Jasper
- Ashton
- Ryan
- Owen
- Vincent
Presenters: You are welcome to share information about your photos but it is not required. I do ask that you select your most meaningful / favorite one and explain why. You may choose to discuss information on camera set up, location, challenges, etc…
Audience: We are going to turn off our monitors. Pay attention to the photos. At the end of each share out I encourage you to share your thoughts. Likes and technique compliments only (challenging).
Favorite Photo? Place a mark next to your favorite 1 or 2 photos. Link to the Google Sheet
10:35 Mask Break

10:45 Finish Presentations
11:00 Star Wars Fan Films – Last Looks, check against the Rubric.
Grade the Star Wars Rubric together and hand in to me after you all have had a chance to view your project. Do you have all the required elements. If not, this is your production sprint time. If you are all set, please hand your Team Graded Rubric to me and prepare your roles for the viewing of your presentation on Thursday.
Fan Film Presentation Order on Thursday:
- Ashton, Arson, Jaymeson, Dan
- Carter, Isaac, Renzo
- Vincent, Dan, Jack
- Hiro, Jasper, Owen, Ryan
11:15 Halloween Project Loop – Time to Finish
See Yesterday for requirements / deliverables. Check your self created Rubric. Presentations will be on Thursday after the Star Wars Fan Films. Reverse Alphabetical order:
Vincent, Owen, Ryan, Ashton, Jasper, Carter, Dan, Jack, Arson, Hiro, Renzo, Isaac, Jaymeson, Dan A.
12:15 Lunch

12:45 – FileZilla

FTP or File Transfer Protocol is a communication protocol used for the transfer of computer files from a server to a client on a computer network. In our case we (are the client) and the website we are going to create is on another computer (server).
We’ll use FTP to move files securely back and forth.
Download if not installed on your computer.
I’ll provide you with passwords.
Username example:
1pm- 2pm – Project Worktime & Guided Support
- Star Wars Fan Films (Thursday)
- Halloween Projection Loop (Thursday)
- Q1 work (late) for credit
- CAWD Sweatshirt Design