Class hours: 9:40 – 2:05
Mr. Bohmann

Today’s Notes
If you didn’t know it already, I am proud of each and everyone of you. Think about your development as a student and as a person the last two years. You are ready for what comes next…
Today is a day to relax and feel good about your accomplishments. Congratulations!
- CTE Recognition Night will be TONIGHT in the rink. Come so we can honor you.
- Thursday, June 9, 2022 at 6:30pm – Students arrive 5:45.
- All CAWD (1 & 2) Picture right after the ceremony (left of stage when looking at the stage. It’s a tradition.
- Attire is business casual, I will be wearing a sportcoat and button down.
- Minute to Win-it games any CAWD2 participants
- 1. Frozen T shirt – Isaac
- 2. Marshmallow Blow Dart – Dan M.
- 3. Dizzy Bat Race – Hiro
- 4. Flip Water Bottle Musical Chairs – ?
- 5. Face the Cookie – ?
- 7. Flip tac toe – ?
- Classroom stuff – time to take home. I will recycle/trash anything that is left in the classroom.
- Certifications – The Certified Web Professionals exam results will be emailed to you as soon as I receive them. This will be in the form of a PDF. Keep an eye out. Update your resume with your results.
- Lastly, Skills USA – we are fielding 3 teams from CAWD. The competition will take us to Atlanta on June 20th – June 25th. Owen & Dan will be competing against the top web design teams from every state in the country and participating US territories. Keep an eye on our CAWD Instagram for details and updates. We took Silver at Nationals before COVID.
- Uno mas, don’t be a stranger. Interact with @cawdvt on the Insta. As of today you are a CAWD alum, we want to hear from you.
9:45 Final Pack up and Wipe Down
Turn in Art Cups, headphones, equipment and wipe down (thorough! get behind those computers)
Out of office for Email
Social Time & Celebration Time (sounds like games)
Pass the Blend file (like the game of telephone but with a Blender file)
Sign out of all personal accounts – students will be using these computers this summer
11:20 Time Capsule
On the first day of the year you wrote a little note to yourself. I’ll hand it back to you and you can see what you wrote to your future self back in August 2021.
11:25 Lunch

12:00 Recognition Night Ceremony Rehearsal
Bring all your stuff, we will not be returning to the classroom