Class hours: 9:40 – 2:05
Mr. Bohmann
Today’s Notes
- Today is an EHS B Day
- 4 more days to Vacation! April 17th – 24th
- Vermont Highway Safety Alliance – Vote for your favorite – Once Each Day
- April 26th: Job & Career Fair @ Champlain Valley Expo Center runs all day but CTE students can sign up to go from 10:00 -11:30
- Agency Projects – Last year a weekly deliverable was an agency project you did each week. Now that Skills has ended let’s turn to some passion projects
9:40 Attendance and Monday Mail

9:45 Character Rigging Intro / Refresh

Today we’ll tackle armatures and put together a basic rig. We’ll start with the character above, which should be a simple character we can deform with an armature.
We’ll use some simple naming and use symmetrize to quickly build out our rig. We’ll also look at weight painting, posing and copy posing to animate the our character.
All of the skills used today will help you with other rigging tasks. I’m amazed at the amount of control and options in Blender.
Pose Mode is Blender’s special mode for animation. You can enable it by adding an armature. Pose Mode unlocks a host of tools for animation.
Weight Painting is used for rigging meshes, where the vertex groups are used to
define the relative bone influences on the mesh. When we turn on weight painting we can see the influence per bone and paint on or off influence
Forward Kinematics – is the concept of manipulating each bone individually
Inverse Kinematics – the last bone controls the ones above in hierarchy. We’ll tackle this part today. Setting up various controls and looking at how to use the controls to move and animate your project.
Let’s all start with the same file together. You can download it here.
10:35 Break – Maybe Outside…
10:45 English

11:35 Lip Sync Work Time / Check-ins
Load up your Endless Runner Game and your Lip Sync Blender Project. I’d like to come around and look through your Endless Runner and see how it is working and performing.
Use this short window to build out your Lip Sync Project. Don’t forget the staging and scenery to go along with your animation.
12:15 Lunch

12:45 Focus on Literacy

1:05 – 1:15 Break
1:15 Independent work time & Guided Production
Week 31 Agency Project is assigned – due for showcase when we return from break
Lip Sync – due Wednesday