Class hours: 9:40 – 2:05
Mr. Bohmann
Today’s Notes
- Today is an EHS A Day
- 1 more days to Vacation!
- Friday, we are going to work until 11:35am. After that, if you are caught up you’ll be allowed to kick back at and enjoy some game time, work on a passion project or play with our new class drone.
- Python / Drawing Interest Survey – incoming CAWD 2 students
- Export – Export your favorite walk animation mood. Make Sure Render Settings are 1920 x 1080 and quality is set to 100%. Filename: OwenLimp.mp4 (as an example). Drop it in the Cawd2 Dailies (I want to cut together a collection)
9:45 Last Chance Exports – LipSync, Walk Amend & ShowMe Character Rigging
If you finished everything from yesterday, and if you are done with the lip sync, model a low poly character – nothing fancy – you’ll be able to use a little in the weeks to come. No armatures needed. Keep scale about 1m.
10:00 Fire Drill Practice
- Quietly go to where we meet.
- Stay together I have to turn attendance in outside so I don’t want to have to find you. We have to stay together.
10:15 Unity – Building an Open World with Terrain

Create a New 3D Project – name it Build Practice. We are going to add several packages to this installation some which are in preview mode and some are fully functional.
The Unity Asset Store is an excellent place to look for assets to prototype your game, build a animation or visualization and/or do some architectural rendering.
- Fantasy Landscapes
- Terrain Tools (which is part of Unity Preview Packages in Advanced Settings)
- ProBuilder
10:35 Break
10:45 Lip Sync Showdown

11:30 Building Landscapes in Unity

We are going to need an First Person Player to view our work and run around the world we create.
To get set up:
- Create a new Game Object (GameObject -> Create Empty) and name it “FPSPlayer”
- Create new Capsule (GameObject -> 3D Object -> Capsule) and move it inside “FPSPlayer” Object
- Remove Capsule Collider component from Capsule and change the Capsule position to (0, 1, 0)
- Move the Main Camera inside the “FPSPlayer” Object and change its position to (0, 1.64, 0)
- Go to Public Folders / CAWD2/Unity Resources and copy my FPS_Controller Script file
- Create a Scripts Folder and Place the FPS_Controller script in your new folder.
- Attach FPS_Controller script to your FPS_Player GameObject
- Add the Component “Character Controller” and change it’s position to (0,1,0)
- Assign the Main Camera to the Player Camera variable in the Inspector
The next thing we are going to do is build some terrain.
Before lunch, let’s do a walk around and try each other’s worlds out.
12:15 Lunch

12:45 Focus on Literacy

1:05 Break
1:15 Afternoon Production and Guided Support
Rigging Assessment (from yesterday)
Agency Project