Class hours: 9:40 – 2:05
Mr. Bohmann

Today’s Notes
- June 9th is your last school day and Recognition Night. The Fine Print
- Minute to Win it Participants – list of contests
- ALL missing work turned today! 2:05.
- Today is an EHS A Day
- Web Apprentice Certification Practice will continue this week – Test is June 7th
- Check for an email from Wanda Arce at Vermont Student Assistance Corporation (VSAC). The email contains a link to a survey. It is a survey given to all Vermont seniors and you are to complete it once.
- Next Week Preview:
Monday – Web Certification Practice, English (last class), Exiting the Bus Protocol, Cawd Studio Game Play / Celebration
Tuesday – Web Certification Test, Google Drive / Desktop CleanUp / Afternoon Drone Practice(weather dependent)
Wednesday – Time Capsule, Folder Clean Out / Photography Challenge (weather dependent)/ Unwind
Thursday – Classroom clean up / storage / Recognition Night Rehearsal (noon to end of day) / Done!
9:40 Attendance
9:45 Web Certification Practice Run

Accuracy score goal: 90%
You can continue with Game Studio Dev time when you meet the accuracy goal and tell me the passphrase and show me your accuracy score.
Game Testing Day – Last Day
You will want to meet with at least Three testers today to test out your game and give you feedback.
Incorporate your feedback as time allows.
Publish your game to – then playtest. Is it all working?
Paste the link to your Published Game – DROPBOX
Next week: Monday – Game Play day and grading.
Take a look at the board. When you are ready to show me the evidence, I will update your “Game Status” and change to green – good to go.
10:35 Break

10:45 – 12:00 Game Studio Work time / Make Up Course Work / Challenges
If you are all done with your work, Congratulations! You know you are done when all of the deliverables on the board have been met and you’ve placed the link to your published game in the dropbox above.
We’ll save the game time until after reading today. In the meantime, you might consider taking on a challenge or finishing a passion project. Some suggestions or design your own….
- Create an HTML/CSS web page of your favorite recipe with procedure
- Model in Blender an object that you will use this summer
- Open up a new Unity project using the HDRP Pipeline and have a look around. Build a run through level (there is a default FPS character built it! so no coding!)
- Create a “Best Of” reel in Premiere Pro showcasing your favorite works from your time in CAWD/CAWD2
- Create an illustration / paper or digital drawing / art
12:00 Lunch

12:45 Focus on Literacy – Last One!

1:05 Break

1:20 Production Time & Guided Support
CAWD Fun Games Studio
If you are all done – relax, unwind, enjoy some game time. Congratulations!