Class hours: 9:40 – 2:05
Mr. Bohmann

Today’s Notes
- June 9th is your last school day and Recognition Night. The event will be outside on the football field @ 6:30pm. You will receive 8 Tickets for your family
- ALL missing work turned in by this Friday June 3rd at 2:05. That’s in 2 Days!
- Today is an EHS A Day – EHS students, plan lunch accordingly
- SLC Meeting for Ryan at 12noon.
- Carter – Milton is not an early release today
- Web Apprentice Certification Practice will continue this week – Test is June 7th
- Mini Lessons – Ashton & Dan A. this morning
9:40 Attendance
9:45 Unity Mini Lessons

9:55 Game Testing Questions
Over the next two days you will have people test your game, or at least what you have built so far. Some of you are ready today to do testing, some will be in a better position tomorrow or Friday.
Testing works best when you know what you are testing. The UI? The Core Mechanic? The Storyline? …..
On a fresh Google Doc, create 3- 5 questions for your game testers. What do you want feedback on? What do you want to know to make improvements while still in the early stages of your game?
Maybe include one additional question – In this game I wish……
Share your Google Doc of questions so I can print for you this morning. I’ll make copies. I’ll place the copies under your game status on the whiteboard. You can ask your testers for feedback on specific parts of your game you want them to test. By the end of the week you will have feedback that you can use as maintenance for your game. (If you are on a team, work together to gather questions).
When you are complete with your questions, you may continue with your game development this morning.
10:35 Break

10:45 – 11:15 Game Studio Work time
Date | Week | Deliverable | Software Development Cycle |
May 31st – Jun 3rd | Four | Prototype with game play | Testing/Maintenance / Publishing |
June 6th | June 6th Game Jam |

Take a look at the board. When you are ready to show me the evidence, I will update your “Game Status”
5 Minute Scrum Meetings / Update Trello Boards
Remember a good meeting is quick and on target. What am I working on today, What help do I need. Those are the questions you should be responding to in your group or individually.
11:15 CAWD 1 Visits – Game Studio Showcase

We have visitors today from CAWD1. The students will be the incoming class for CAWD2. Your task is simple. Show them your game / what you have been working on for your game (if your a team).
These students have never seen Unity nor do they know anything about C# programming. Give them a 3 minute overview of your project. Don’t sweat it, you are in dev mode. They are interested to learn what you have been making/coding. We’ll rotate every 3 minutes.
For some of you (Jack, Dan A. Owen) this is a great time to get some testing done and gather feedback.
Talking Points (if you need them)
- My game is….
- The core game mechanic is…..
- The goal is to …..
- This bit of code is cool because it does…..
- I made this asset / texture / material / lighting / environment / sprite ……
- I am proud of ….
- I’d like this game to ……
11:55 Practice Run – Web Apprentice Certification
Accuracy score goal: 92%
You are excused for Lunch when you meet the accuracy goal and tell me the passphrase
12:15 Lunch

12:45 Focus on Literacy

1:05 Break

1:15 Production Time & Guided Support
CAWD Fun Games Studio work time (my fancy way of saying work with your game / game team
Game Testing Questions
See Whiteboard for deliverables
Overdue work