Class hours: 9:40 – 2:05
Mr. Bohmann
Today’s Notes
- Today is an EHS B Day
- No School on Monday, May 30th – Memorial Day
- ALL missing work turned in by Friday June 3rd at 2:05. If you have items due, I will be pulling you from your game dev time tomorrow get complete.
- May 31st 11am – Dan M. & Isaac Portfolio Presentations in m116
- EHS Cap & Gown distribution at 11:30 – Pickup if you have not
- Visitors today at Noon, so we have an early lunch 11:30. No reading time today 🙁
- Unity Movement Quiz – makeup – today at 10:15am or when you finish the Study Guide
9:40 Attendance
9:45 CAWD Study Guide – Web Apprentice

Do your best. You can double click on a term and look up in Google for the answer. The goal is to get familiar with the types of questions that are on the certification test and reacquaint yourself with the wonderful world of web development.
10:35 Break

10:45 – 11:30 Game Studio Work Session
Date | Week | Deliverable | Software Development Cycle |
May 23rd – May 27th | Three | GUI, Movement, Core Mechanics | Design / Implementation |
May 31st – Jun 3rd | Four | Prototype with game play | Testing/Maintenance / Publishing |
June 6th | June 6th Game Jam |
Game Mechanics and your UI should be the focus of your project this week. By the end of the week we should be able to move through your level and see a start of your User Interface

11:30 – Noon -Lunch

Noon – Visitors to CAWD & Game Dev Time
We have two visitors today and they will rotate to different stations during their CAWD visit. After a brief introduction from me and the visitor form, the visitors will rotate through 5 stations for 10 minutes each. Your job will be to introduce them to the concept/topic – hands on for them, they drive.
Station A – The Unity Interface
- Dan M.
- Vincent
Station B – Adding Game Objects into Unity / Making Materials
- Ashton
- Dan A.
Station C – Setting up Physics 2D – Making a Bowling Game
- Carter
- Jaymeson
Station D – Karting Game: Adding Objects & Playing your Game
- Hiro
- Renzo
Station E – Showcasing Your Game “Him” / Starkanoid
(for this rotation, it will last 5 minutes, then switch)
- Owen
- Jack
1:05 Break

1:15 Production Time & Guided Support
CAWD Fun Games Studio work time (my fancy way of saying work with your game / game team
- Core Game Mechanic
Past Due Work – Now Overdue!
OBS Walkthrough – Due Friday – See Wednesday dayplan for details