Class hours: 9:40 – 2:05
Mr. Bohmann
Today’s Notes
- EHS B Day and Early Release – so if you are an EHS student with an afternoon class, you will take lunch at 11:55 and not return to CAWD 2.
- Milton Students (Carter) who ride the bus need to be released at 1:35pm. Catch the Georgia Bus on Wednesdays
- Today is a White Day for CTE – You don’t have afternoon academics on White days
- Sept 17th: Last day to register for the 10/23 ACT test. Register here!
9:40 Attendance
Camera Raw conversation practice – community photo – I’ll give you instructions
9:50 Personalized Logo Showcase

This morning we are going to take a look at each of your logos. When presenting (it’s casual – don’t get worked up) Share with us:
What was your inspiration or idea?
What was your process?
What challenges did you face?
Feedback. As a class we are going to provide constructive feedback. Think of feedback as a sandwich – a feedback sandwich. I call this Two Stars and a Wish. What are two things you like and what is one area you like to see changed, modified improved. Constructive and supportive feedback only.
10:35 Mask Break

10:45 Adobe After Effects

We are going to continue on our exploration of Adobe After Effects. We’ll make a nice flower using the repeater and trim paths effect.
With the time left, fill out the rest of your flower garden with flowers, grasses, clouds, birds, you name it.
Rendering and Exporting Demo will be provided. We will me using AME (Adobe Media Encoder)
Filename: AfterEffectsGarden_lastname.mp4
You can drop in the Cawd Dailies folder. This is not a graded project, but a practice session with support.
12:15 Lunch

12:45 Special Effects and After Effects
There are a lot of effects in After Effects. For some guided practice, let’s take a look at some of the different effects including mattes, generative and distortion effects.
For starters – we are going to make a descriptive effect together.
You cannot go wrong – effects can be layers and the combinations are endless!
Link to Google Doc with Steps if you get lost….
1:10 Mask Break

1:20 After Effects Exploration Time
Ready to batch up something of your own? Explore AE interface and begin to create something (anything). This is unstructured AE time. Feel free to go back to our example this morning.
If you need a push, create some effects on your name.
1:55 Dailies
Drop your AE creation in the Cawd 2 Dailies Folder in Public Folders. We’ll take a look at your AE creations. Leave time to render your daily.