Class hours: 9:40 – 2:05
Mr. Bohmann
Today’s Notes
- Today is an EHS A Day
- Stay healthy – rest, food, hydration, wash hands, be social responsible
- Let’s wrap up this portfolio – if you can prove you are done today I will let you do whatever you want!!
- Monday will be presentations of your portfolio. Starting at 10am.
9:40 Finishing the Portfolio – the final pieces
Today is the final workday for the portfolio. Next week we are going to move away from HTML/CSS and general web development. We will begin with second half of the year with an exploration of animation and game development.
Most of you are doing Usability Testing today. If you can schedule two meetings, you will have much better feedback. Be sure to complete the Performance Task Worksheet Reflection found in Google Classroom. This is a requirement of the project and it is due today.
Be sure to review the project deliverables and the grading rubric – if you can complete all the boxes with proficient or better you are probably done! Let’s go over together.
If you complete all your work with the portfolio and get the sign off from me, you can relax the rest of the day
- Make some models in Blender
- Learn about texture painting
- Brush up on the node editor
- Do some sketching / drawing
- Mix in some gaming
- Read
- Help others
9:45 Github and Github Pages

GitHub is a provider of Internet hosting for software development and version control using Git. No matter where the next several years take you, if you are working with code, computers and projects you are going to end up interacting with GitHub.
Today we are going to create a website directly from a repository on
A repository is a collection of files, etc… in our GitHub Account.
A website made from a GitHub Repository is referred to commonly as GitHub Pages.
GitHub Pages are public webpages hosted and published through GitHub.
Confused yet? Here is some documentation for reference. Don’t worry, we’ll do this together.
Start Here:
- Create a Temporary Folder called MyPortfolio on your Desktop.
- Put your portfolio pages and folders inside (CSS, JS, Images, index.html, etc…)
Task #1 – Make an Account at Choose a professional username like your first initial then lastname
- In the upper-right corner of any page, use the drop-down menu, and select New repository.
- Enter your GitHub username as the repository name along with (
- Select Add a ReadMe file
- Choose Upload Files (from here you will select your folders and pages inside the temporary folder on your desktop)
- Drag those files / folders over and GitHub will upload
- Under your repository name, click settings
- In the left sidebar click Pages – you will see the address to your github hosted website. mine is yours should be similar.
- Your repository should now have all of your portfolios files and folders.
Congratulations! Your Portfolio is now hosted on GitHub and you will publish changes to your files here instead of the CAWD Server. Think of GitHub as your WebHosting provider.
You also have a nice professional web address for Free!
Please use this form to share the link to your website. (should be your
10:35 Mask Break

10:45 Last Project Sprint and Usability / Performance Task Testing

Presentation Order and How to Prepare
Presentations will take place on Monday starting at 10am and Wednesday at 11:30am.
During your presentation you will:
- Walk us through your portfolio / What inspired the design of your site?
- Discuss your design inspirations and challenges
- Summarize the results from your usability report & changes that you made
- What are you most proud to show us from your portfolio?
- What area would you like to improve with your website?
- Share one of your fun facts or something from your extra page
- What are your plans for next year?
Monday | Wednesday |
Arson | Dan M. |
Jasper | Carter |
Owen | Jack |
Ashton | Ryan |
Isaac | |
Hiro | |
Renzo | |
Dan A. | |
Vincent | |
Jaymeson |
12:15 Lunch

12:45 Focus on Literacy

1:10 Mask Break