Class hours: 9:40 – 2:05
Mr. Bohmann
Today’s Notes
- Today is the last day of the semester for CTE – Congratulations Seniors!
- Today is an EHS A Day and start of Q3 – Do you have a class?
- Performance Tasks worksheets – a bunch of empty documents in Google Classroom – fix!
- Last day to hand work in to me from Q3
- Author Lecture – is there interest?
- Today is an early release day for some students
- Isaac – you are to see Ms. Liguori at 12:45
- Carter – bus today at 1:35
- Visitors today 10:05 – 10:30 (Show off some of the work you completed this year and last)
- Isaac – Reilly
- Ashton – Hailey
- Vincent – Christopher
- Dan M. – Logan

9:40 Attendance
9:45 Responsive Design: Characteristic #1 Media Queries
The requirements for our portfolio include one breakpoint for Mobile at 576 pixels. Remember, since you already have a desktop version, your media query will use a max-width approach.
@media screen and (max-width: 1000px) {
p {
font-size: 24px;
/* The @media is the media rule */
/* Screen is the media type. */
/* (max-width: 1000px) is the media feature */
/* What this query means is when the browser viewport is smaller than 1000px, apply this block of CSS
If this condition is not met, then this CSS is ignored */
/*There are 4 Media types: all, print, speech and screen */
9:45 Sticky Note Showdown

Declare your sticky note just like yesterday. Put your name on it with the activity you will complete today. Place under To Do on the KanBan Board.
9:55 Mobile Layout Sprint
If you have not considered your mobile design, create your paper wireframe during this window. Consider how your page will look when the screen size is smaller than 576px.
We will share our designs at 11:45pm today.
10:35 Mask Break

10:45 Jobs in the Web Industry JigSaw

As a group, let’s create a quick job outlook page on careers in the web industry. The jigsaw protocol is a way for us to get lots of information in a short amount of time but dividing up the pieces.
- Quality Assurance Developer – Jaymeson
- Web Customer Service Representative – Isaac
- Web Product Manager – Renzo
- Web Information Technician – Hiro
- Web Art Director – Arson
- UI Designer – Dan M.
- UX Designer – Carter
- Web Content Strategist – Jasper
- SEO Specialist – Ashton
- Full Stack Developer – Ryan
- Interaction Designer – Owen
- Front End Developer – Vincent
- Web Designer – Jack
Don’t just copy and paste. Do a little research to understand this job. Then summarize in your own words what the job looks like. You will need to educate the rest of us.
Look for a job in that field. Include a link to a job description. Also, put some pay information as well.
11:50 Mobile Wireframe Showcase

12:15 Lunch

12:45 Focus on Literacy

1:10 Mask Break

1:20 Independent Work Time and Guided Support
Mobile Wireframe now due (place on front cabinet)