Class hours: 9:40 – 2:05
Mr. Bohmann
Today’s Notes
- Today is an EHS A Day
- NTHS is tonight
- Skills USA Paperwork – I’ll need by Thursday.
9:40 Attendance
9:45 NTHS Rehearsal / Animation Prompt

If you are part of NTHS, you go directly down the auditorium – after attendance. You will be down there for about an hour.
For those in the room….. Illusion of Life
In Class we reviewed The Illusion of Life video about the 12 principles of animation.
Choose one of the principles (maybe something other than Squash & Stretch)
You do not have to work in 2D, 3D is ok also.
What I’m looking for – a good / short animation – 8-10 seconds that shows your principle.
Pick one of the principles and recreate your very own using Blender. Same default cube. Same animation.
When you render your final animation, be sure to include the title of your principle at the start or over the top of your video so we know what principle of animation you chose.
Place your final .mp4 in Cawd2 Dailies Folder by the end of the day for credit.
10:35 Mask Break

10:45 2D Working 2D in Three Dimensions with Parallax Background
We can use the parallax effect to create the illusion of depth in a 2D space.
What the make the effect work is to position the foreground faster through your timeline than the background. The result creates an illusion of distance. More layers, more interesting options to play with.
Let’s start with creating a simple scene and some parallax effects. We’ll use two tools:
- Photoshop (saving layers as separate pngs)
- Blender 2D animation – grab your vegetable walk cycle from last week
Save your finished file as LastName_Parallax.mp4 and place today’s Dailies Folder for credit.
11:25 What do People Do All Day –

What do people do all day? – A Great children’s book and animated series from Richard Scarry. In that spirit, you and your teammate (if you choose) will become the Mayor of your very own Town or Floating Island, Cruise Ship, Beach, Planet, Carnival Midway or… you get the idea. 2D.
This is what I am looking for:
- Create a 10 second looping animation
- Animate a series of looping actions within your town – What’s going on all day there?
- Create a title to intro your place, fade out to your animation
- Create a lot of detail – but use your time wisely
- It might come in handy to create multiple Grease Pencils in your Outliner or Append
- Include some audio – copyright free, should compliment the environment
- Make a parallax background that moves with your animation.
This project is a good way to practice staging, pose to pose or straight ahead animation, layers and composition. You may take pictures from the book to use as your guide/inspiration.
Filename: LastName_PeopleAllDay.mp4. This project will be due on Monday, March 29th.
To be successful, you will want to plan out your layers. I like to draw one one layer. Ink on another layer. What will be your process?
This project ties nicely with many of the 12 Principles of Animation, like staging, poses, slowin/out, secondary action, timing, appeal and many more – what will yours include?
12:15 Lunch

12:45 Focus on Literacy

1:05 Mask Break

1:15 Production Time & Guided Support
Illustion of Life Animation – End of Day – Dailies
What Do People Do All Day – Due Monday
Skills USA work (Game teams – check your deliverables from last week)