Class hours: 9:40 – 2:05
Mr. Bohmann
Today’s Notes
- Today is an EHS B Day
- #802PhonesDownHeadsUp Contest Page
- LINK to the CAWD2 Assets Folder
- BHS Visitors Today – today
- Isaac
- Ashton
9:40 Attendance
9:45 #802PhonesDownHeadsUp Production Window

To help move your project forward we’ll do some Scaffolding (breaking up the work/learning into chunks) Today and the next couple of days you’ll have a modest deliverable before lunchtime.
Place in CAWD2 Dailies.
- Today by 12:00pm – a 10 second rendered clip at 1080p with sound (any edited clip)
- Tomorrow by 12:00pm – a 15 second rendered clip at 1080p with sound (any edited clip)
- Thursday by 12:00pm – a 20 second rendered clip at 1080p with sound (any edited clip)
- Tuesday: Lastname_Animation_10.mp4
- Wednesday: Lastname_Animation_15.mp4
- Thursday: Lastname_Animation_20.mp4
Just models are fine. You do not need materials. Just good to see where you are going.
Lastly, if you have a visitor you do not need to fulfill today’s requirement!
10:35 Mask Break

10:45 English with Ms. Yopp

11:35 Unity – Bunny Ball – Also – Our First C# Script

Let’s Continue with our Unity Game.
Unity Scenes act as containers for your worlds. They include things like lights, cameras, and 3D objects. A Scene in Unity contains GameObjects, which are the fundamental objects in Unity that represent characters, props, and scenery.
We’ve already completed Level 1. Let’s move on to create two more Levels for your game.
Each level should get progressively harder. As your user gains experience, they will stay with the game longer as long as the challenge increases (fairly of course).
Your Cinemachine camera is mapped to your Player. So keep your player out of your new levels.
12:15 Lunch

12:45 Focus on Literacy

1:05 Mask Break

1:15 Production Time & Guided Support
#802 Animation. 10 Seconds should be in Dailies (see dayplan)
Skills USA –
Bunny Ball Game Level 3 – take screen shot for Dailies