Class hours: 9:40 – 2:05
Mr. Bohmann
Today’s Notes
- Today is an EHS A Day also early release if you have an afternoon class
- #802PhonesDownHeadsUp Contest Page
- LINK to the CAWD2 Assets Folder
- Ryan and Fern – See Ms. Quinn at 9:45 for Callback
- We have one visitor today from Winooski
- Dan Marcou @ 11:05
- MMU is having their winter carnival today, you must be called out by a parent to attend
9:40 Attendance
9:45 Level Walk around / #802 Mini Production Window
10:00 CTE COOP Office Presents – Manufacturing
James Paterson – CTE Work Based Learning Coordinator
Presentation Slides for your reference
10:35 Mask Break

10:45 #802PhonesDownHeadsUp Production Time

Yesterday by 12:00pm – a 10 second rendered clip at 1080p- Today by 12:15pm – a 15 second rendered clip at 1080p with sound (any edited clip)
- Thursday by 12:00pm – a 20 second rendered clip at 1080p with sound (any edited clip)
Tuesday: Lastname_Animation_10.mp4- Wednesday: Lastname_Animation_15.mp4
- Thursday: Lastname_Animation_20.mp4
Just models are fine. You do not need materials. Just good to see where you are going.
11:45am Unity – Working with Variables/Methods & Flow Control

Controlling the flow of your code is a fundamental skill in any programming language. This can be done using a variety of concepts and techniques, but for control flow, booleans and IF statements are the most fundamental language constructs.
We are going to call a method called GameOver and if the condition is met – we’ll show a “Winner” text on our screen when the player collects the key game object.

Variables in C# should always start with a lowercase letter. If there are multiple words in a variable name, each subsequent word should use an uppercase letter. For example, if you wanted to name a variable “”my first variable”” you would write myFirstVariable. This style of writing is called camelCase.
Methods in C# should always start with an uppercase letter, and every subsequent word should also use an uppercase letter. For example, if you want to name a method “”my first method”” you would write MyFirstMethod. Writing this way is called PascalCase.
12:15 Lunch

12:45 Focus on Literacy

1:05 Skating at the Rink
You’ll depart from the rink. Bring all your items with you.