Class hours: 9:40 – 2:05
Mr. Bohmann
Today’s Notes
- Today is an EHS B Day and a White Day
- Carter – early release
- Jasper – call back with Ms. Yopp at 11:15am
- Skills USA begins in 8 days – Starting tomorrow our rooms are going to change as we pivot entirely to Skills USA practice and production. Web and Animation teams will be moving to CAWD 2 classroom and game teams will be moving to CAWD 1.
- Desk organization, cleaning is going to be necessary. Use your folders to store paperwork or recycle.
- No English next week
9:40 Attendance & Schedule Ahead
Wednesday April 6th | Thursday April 31st | Friday April 1st |
Todays Dayplan | AM Unity – Move Rooms | Skills USA |
Skills USA Practice | Skills USA Practice |
Monday April 4th | Tuesday April 5th | Wednesday April 6th | Thursday April 7th | Friday April 8th |
AM Unity | Am Unity | Skills USA Practice | Skills Competition | |
Skills USA Practice | Skills USA Practice | Skills USA Practice | All Day | Reset our Rooms |
9:45 Unity – Using Triggers continued….

Let’s continue with the OnTrigger method to tackle a stored power up – which will allow for a stored double jump and we will try to make a shield to protect our character from any obstacles.
First, I put in some code fix for our player script. Specifically a change to the CheckForGrounded method. You’ll find the code in the CAWD2 public folders. This should take away any double jumps you have going on. Hopefully.
Adding power ups to our game creates a scenario where it’s necessary to use conditional logic. If the player collides with a power up, they should have the abilities of that power up active. However, sometimes those special abilities interact with other systems in the game. For these reasons, it’s important to pay close attention to how our IF statements are structured. Once we enable a power up, we do want it to go away after it is used. We’ll use boolean variables for this.
The OR operator is represented by two vertical pipes || which are typically located above the Enter or Return key on your keyboard. If the values on either side of the operator are true, then the whole statement will be true.
if (true || true) { // ...this code WILL execute, because both values are true. }
10:35 Mask Break

10:45 Last Production Sprint
What Do People Do All Day Sprint……..
11:45 What Do People Do All Day Showcase / Skills USA Game Dev Teams – Walkthrough / Animation Presentations / Web Presentations
12:15 Lunch

12:45 Focus on Literacy

1:05 Mask Break

1:15 Afternoon Practice Session
Quick Exercises
- Skills USA Practice
- Web Team – Media Queries – add two media queries to your current project – memorize queries
- Animation Teams – A giant falling over or Objects of different weights(basketball, tennis ball, bowling ball, beach ball, etc)