Class hours: 9:40 – 2:05
Mr. Bohmann
Today’s Notes
- Today is an EHS A Day
- The SLC meeting scheduled for tomorrow 3/9 is being changed to Monday, 3/14 and will be held in the Rink cafeteria with the Dental Assisting program. SLC members should be there by 11:45.
- three
9:40 Attendance
9:45 Unity – Camera Smoothing and Adding Art from the Asset Store

Adding Assets from the Asset Store.
One of the art assets in this project is a sprite sheet that’s used to animate the character. A sprite sheet is a single image file that contains multiple images. Using Unity’s Sprite Editor, you can split up the images into sprites that can be used throughout your project on any script or component that accepts a Sprite variable type.
When creating a physics-based character for a 2D game, you’ll want the character to be upright at all times, which means you’ll need to add constraints to the Rigidbody2D component on the character. Without constraints, the character will rotate on the Z axis (the axis along which the camera is facing), and it will appear as though the character is “spinning” in place. On the Rigidbody2D component, there’s a “constraints” section with checkboxes that allow you to prevent translation or rotation along each axis. In this case, you should stop rotation along the Z axis by ticking its constraint checkbox. Constraints are certainly useful in this case, but they’re also useful in many 3D situations as well.
10:35 Mask Break

10:45 PSA Work Time #802PhonesDownHeadsUp
This is dedicated worktime to complete your PSA and prepare for a Last Looks showcase.
Our Last Looks showcase will begin at 11:50 on Thursday.
- 25 Seconds
- All audio and sound effects
- Facts and Distracted Driving Information
Review Contest Guidelines for additional information.
11:35 2D Animation Terminology Review
The Twelve Principles of Animation are all included in this visual short title “The Illusion of Life”.
Let’s tackle three projects, we’ll set them up as scenes and then combine them using the Video Editor in Blender. Before we get started, let’s consider how a timing chart works. Here is one I made that we can look at together.
When creating a new scence – choose Full Copy, then delete what you need to delete. Rename your scene.
You are working with the grease pencil while in Blender. We’ll set up our projects in the 2D workspace.
Scene #1 will focus on using squash and stretch. Making a ball bounce as it falls off a shelf
Scene #2 will consist of a brick falling from a building
Scene #3 will be of your choosing (maybe a dropped fish, microphone, glass)
I’ll demo the saving and editing to the Video Sequencer
Finished projects will be rendered as 2DScenesPractice .mp4 and placed in Public Folders – under Dailies.
12:15 Lunch

12:45 Focus on Literacy

1:05 Mask Break

1:15 Production Time & Guided Support
Carnival Animation 2D, Due Friday – dropbox
PSA Last Looks Showcase
Skills USA practice
2DPractice Scenes – Placed in Dailies for Today
Assignment Prompt: Grow