Class hours: 9:40 – 2:05
Mr. Bohmann

Today’s Notes
- Today is an EHS B Day
- Nice looking mix of still and animation PSA
- WorkKeys testing on Wednesday – 11:40 Lunch, 12:15 test. If you have an EHS class, the WorkKeys test takes priority. Where will you be on Wednesday? – let’s see:
- Cosmetology 2 Classroom (that’s above the ice rink)
- Dan A
- Jaymeson
- Hiro
- Jack
- Dan M
- Carter
- Jasper
- Ashton
- Ryan
- CTE Conference Room
- Isaac
- Renzo
- Fern
- Owen
- Vincent
9:45 – 10AM – Short Production Window
10:00 Camera Animation Continued…

So far we’ve set up a camera rig, set a rig to a path, used constraints, learned about posing with a Dolly Cam and even added and switched to multiple cameras by creating timeline markers at keyframes. What about just plain old walking around? Yep – we can do that too.
Let’s look at some ways to use the camera like a steadicam. We can even smooth keyframes and extend keyframes that don’t exist.
To get started, download a free blend file from TurboSquid. If you have not made an account there, please do so. Don’t take forever, but do find a product and download.
Camera Challenge:
Before break, let’s do a gallery walk of the challenge solution.
10:35 Mask Break

10:45 English with Ms. Yopp

11:35 Control Panel Showcase

Let’s take a look at your final control panels. You should have 4 (four) files in your Google Drive folder and upload only your .mp4 to Google Classroom.
11:50 The Storyboard & the Story

I want you to come up with the story PSA (and then the storyboard) of your PSA animation. There are many distracted driving PSAs on the web you can use for inspiration.
Most stories work because they have a basic story arc (which is like a recipe for the
events and how they unfold – example)
- Exposition/Stasis/
- (this is the beginning of the story): This is where you lay the groundwork for the story. Could be establishing shot, driving in a car, an introduction to the character and what they are doing. This is the status quo that exists at the beginning of the story when all the forces are not yet in conflict
- Rising Action: Hidden danger around the corner, kids playing
- Climax: when the viewer is most engaged, they are watching intently, maybe they know or don’t know what is going to happen
- Falling Action: Correction is made, fallout from climax
- Resolution: Character moves on, information is passed, warning is displayed, full
Each cell of your storyboard should have visuals of what the camera is telling the viewer: Shot type, audio, descriptive information about what is happening in that cell.
Let’s Practice by looking at a couple PSAs.
Looney Tunes
Logan’s PSA Example
Idea Generator – Who What Where When

12:15 Lunch

12:45 Focus on Literacy

1:10 Mask Break

1:20 Production Time & Guided Support
Modeling for Asset Pack
Story Ideas