Class hours: 9:40 – 2:05
Mr. Bohmann
Today’s Notes
- No School Monday! Three day weekend! Enjoy
- Today is a B Day for EHS and a Blue Day for CTE
- Hiro – You are now in Phys Ed on Blue Days – Enjoy
- PE meeting on tennis courts!
9:40 Attendance
9:45 Photography Review and Manual Mode Scavenger Hunt
Manual Mode Scavenger Hunt
Shoot all of the following items on this scavenger hunt list in Manual (M) Mode. Remember to make sure each shot is in focus, correctly exposed (indicator reads zero or close to it) and you have used good composition.
For this exercise you may shoot jpegs. S1 is perfect.
- Shoot a macro shot of a plant with shallow depth of field
- Shoot a landscape shot with a deep depth of field
- Shoot someone jumping in the air outside ….. freeze the action
- Shoot someone spinning around in circles … create blurred action
- Shoot a portrait (face fills the frame) with shallow depth of field and blurry background
- Shoot something from an interesting point of view
- Shoot a subject using framing.
- Shoot a vertical shot
When done. Open and view your images in Adobe Bridge. Clean up any photos you need to and edit as necessary. Create a Contact Sheet with all of your photos.
Create a contact sheet in Bridge: Go to the Output view, Under Template, select Custom, then set up as 2 columns x 4 rows
Filename: ScavengerHunt_Lastname.PDF
Drop in the Google Classroom assignment dropbox
10:35 Mask Break

10:45 College Planning with Ms. Charron

Mrs. Emmy Charron is your guidance counselor at CTE. She will be working with us throughout the year and is an excellent resource for you during your senior year.
Today we’ll explore the pathways towards continuing education after High School. What will you be doing next year?
Today’s Goal: Learn about where to look how to access resources, Get to know who can help you, and build confidence about the college planning process.
Depending on when we finish, you will work on the Manual Mode Scavenger Hunt.
12:15 Lunch

12:45 Illustrator Feature Slam

With a partner pick one or two less obvious tools (things we may not have used or seen used) and learn about them together. You can use adobe help, google, etc….
Prepare to show / teach us all how that feature or features work. Your instructional sessions should be quick and last not much more than a minute. The tech world likes to call these quick feature demos a Slam.
We’ll start the Slam at 1pm. Be quick! “and that’s a slam!”
1:10 Mask Break

1:20 Production Time
1:50 Photography Assignment

Street Photography Project
At the core, Street/Documentary Photography is spontaneous and captures activity as it is happening. Unscripted and interesting. Emotions, action, interesting camera angles.
Shooting Mode: Choose raw.
Activity, Over the next several days, find and shoot at least 12 interesting subjects in action (or inaction). You may choose to shoot in any mode you want – Aperture, Shutter or Manual. Even Automatic if you are having some challenges
Shoot lots of images. Select your favorite 5. and delete the rest. When you return to class next week we will convert them to jpegs after adjusting the tones.
Long Exposure Practice
Shutter speed is the key to long exposures. Try some long exposure photography this weekend. This is just experimenting and having fun with your camera. This is not an assignment, just an extra.
It’s a long weekend, so enjoy your camera and explore the magic of photography.
If you have questions, you can email me and I’ll get back to you. (my email is on the top of the page!)