Class hours: 9:40 – 2:05
Mr. Bohmann
Today’s Notes
- CCV Class Details
- Labor Day
- Parking Permits – last week
- Today is an EHS A Day and a CTE Blue Day
9:40 Attendance
9:45 Graph of the Week
Last week you all did a very good job with the Graph of the Week. This week the graph came from the New York Times.

Link to the Response form in Google Classroom
10:10 Photography Formats (some)

When you shoot JPEG, a raw converter in the camera itself completes all the mathematical tasks to capture a certain color—then the raw converter compresses it. JPEGs apply heavy compression to color data, which can lead to problems with weird skin tone and such when editing time comes. It’s important to keep in mind that when shooting in JPEG, there’s very little you can do after the fact to interpret the color balance of your images.
When you shoot your pictures in RAW, those files provide the highest quality files. Here, everything is manual except ISO speed, shutter speed, and the aperture setting, which you may remember as the three main pillars of exposure. That means you, as the photographer, are in charge of tonal response, white balance, and colorimetric rendering, thereby giving yourself a great deal of creative freedom.
Let’s look at a raw file and do some touch up in Camera Raw. The image can be found in Public Folders
Called: CathedralValley_Utah
Make a copy and place the copy on your desktop for now.
Open Bridge and then right click on the image to open in Camera Raw
The photo we are using is from:
SD Card Clean Up
Before we get started, take a moment to clear out your SD card of all images. Organize in a Google Drive folder in any way that makes sense to you. (don’t just dump them, keep only what you like!)
10:35 Mask Break
10:45 Photography – Understanding ISO

The three main pillars of exposure are Aperture, Shutter Speed and ISO. Aperture and Shutter speed are physical mechanisms that allow you to control the light.
ISO measures the light gathering speed of film. Back in the old days old timey images were exposed for a long period of time using long shutter speeds. With digital cameras the sensor is …well… more sensitive so we can shoot at faster shutter speeds and increase light through ISO.
For the most part we have been shooting with Auto ISO. ISO records light levels across the sensor and charges each pixel with electrons to amplify the signal. ISO is simply how much amplification is applied. So if we need more light, we can increase the amplification.
This amplification comes with a cost though. The higher the levels, the noiser the image.
Shutter Speed
That’s it! If you know these three, then you know how the fundamentals of photography work!

11:15 Week 2 CAWD 2 Project: Exposure Triangle

An exposure triangle visually explains the three pillars of photography. Using your Adobe Illustrator skills and some Google Searching on exposure triangles create your very own Exposure Triangle.
Remember your C.R.A.P
As you create your own version, consider what information you have learned and what information would be helpful for others. There are a lot of ways to display the concepts.
Document Set Up: 1000px x 1000px
Filename: ExposureTriangle_lastname.png
Save in your Google Drive both your .ai file and your finished .png
Final version will be due on Friday. Link to Drop in Google Classroom
12:15 Lunch

12:45 Manual Mode Shooting and / or Reading live histograms
We are going to take a walk together and play with our cameras settings – all three. Our main goal is to get proper exposure. Next is to make sure what we are taking pictures of is in focus and clear.
1:10 Mask Break

1:20 Project Work Time
We have two projects working at the moment:
Both are due on Monday. You’ll find a drop box for each assignment on Google Classroom.
2 Digital Personal Logos – Export as
Filename: Logo1_lastname.png and Logo2_lastname.png
Exposure Triangle
Filename: ExposureTriangle_lastname.png
If you have completed your projects, you may work with your camera, ask questions about setting and investigate menus in your camera or the manuals online. On Friday I will be giving you the cameras for the weekend.