Class hours: 9:40 – 2:05
Mr. Bohmann
Today’s Notes
- Today is an A Day for EHS and also an early release day. If you are an EHS student with an afternoon class your lunch begins at 11:55 today and you will not be returning to CTE
- Today is a White Day for CTE – You don’t have afternoon academics on White days
- Wednesdays are early release days for Essex High School. If you are an EHS student that relies on busing to Essex Town, Westford, the Islands, or Georgia, you need to board the bus at 1:45 in the front of EHS. Students who do not rely on bussing should not be released until the normal end of day.
- Milton Students (Carter) who ride the bus need to be released at 1:35pm. Catch the Georgia Bus on Wednesdays
- eSports League – an interest in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate? There is some talk about getting a team together.
- How did it go yesterday?
9:40 Attendance
9:45 Managing Media with Adobe Bridge

This morning we’ll look at Adobe Bridge. Specifically:
- How Bridge works with your hard drive
- Sorting, viewing, previewing, rating, ranking
- What files bridge can see
- Importing images from SD card
- Batch processing (renaming, touch up, resizing)
- I’ve got some practice files are located in the public folders. Make a copy of the folder and paste on your desktop.
10:35 Mask Break

10:45 Personal Logo – Silent Feedback and Production
This morning you are going to present your six logos on the cabinet below the white board. Walk by and look at each logo. Place a dash next to the two logo that you think are the strongest ones so far.
We’ll the begin production on the digital logo.
11:35 Shutter Priority Mode (Tv)
Shutter Priority mode allows you as the photographer to take charge of the speed of the shutter. To review, when you press the button to take a picture, the photo become exposed and the shutter closes when the exposure is complete.
This photo is a classic example of motion blur using Shutter Priority mode.
The slower the shutter speed the more light is received by the image sensor.
The faster the shutter speed, the less light hits the sensor.
Let’s brainstorm some reasons why we would want to try shooting in Shutter Priority…
Activity: Using Shutter Priority and with a partner, Capture:
- Partner running – freeze action
- Partner running – blur action
- Pan and Blur (pan one direction while the action – partner moving is going another direction)
- Close Up of flower with slow shutter speed
- Close Up of flower with fast shutter speed
- Slow shutter camera swirl (pick your subject)
Return to the classroom, import and review using Adobe Bridge
12:15 Lunch

12:45 Text and Live Paint in Illustrator
A look at some other Illustrator features you might enjoy
1:10 Mask Break