Class Hours: 9:40 – 2:05
Mr. Cronin
- Welcome to Week 29, the 4th Quarter, and Skills Design Competition week!
- Remember that Web and Animation teams must be in the room (at your new station in CAWD2) by 7:30AM on Thursday morning. I will open all of CAWD up at 7AM. Game teams you arrive as normal.
- All clothing should be “a level up” from where you are right now. Think of what I wear, what Mr. Bohmann wears, think Business Casual. No t-shirts! Shirt must have collar! Mr. Bohmann will be assessing your dress!
- After our AM break we are going to move the entire world.
- Game Teams will be setup on the far side of the classroom.
- Animation and Web teams will be setup in CAWD2.
- For the rest of the week you will work and be based in these locations. It’s going to be wild.
- No critiques this week – Skills.
- No other projects other than preparing for the state Design competitions.
- No dailies this week – work to 2pm, no need to turn assets in by 2 as evidence this week. We will see what you do.
- The only grade you will have this week will be your T&E Grade that incorporates your Skills work.
- Let’s collect “1984” temporarily.
- Art cups go with you when we move today – you may need them for design competitions.
9:40 Attendance and Article
9:45 AM Production

- Design Homework 28: Baseline Portrait
- “(lastName)DH28.jpg”
- Educational History in a table
- folder called “table”
You have all the way until break to get this work complete and turned in.
Once you have turned in your work, get to work on Skills production (see below).
10:35 Morning Break (10 minutes)

- 10 Minute break – you have to exit the room.
- When the door near the TV is open, you are welcome to come back in.
10:45 Skills Moving

Take care of the equipment.
Listen to where you are going to go.
We are looking for volunteers to help move heavy things.
11:35 Week 29 SkillsUSA Work – Final Prep!!!

Create your folder on the public drive in your competition folder with work product by 12:15 Friday.

- Bevins / Lamotte
- O’neal / Spofford
- Ariel / Noble
- Murray / Rice
- Bergeron / Brennan
Prep Part 1 (Due Wednesday at the START of lunch)
Create a character animation based on the theme of:
Good vs. Evil
By Wednesday at 12:15 have your completed team animation on the public in the team Skills folder as “(lastNamelastName)GVE.mp4”
Prep Part 2 (Due Wednesday at 2pm)
Create and rig the character __________. Have this character doing a jumping jack animation. 10 seconds minimum – a lot of this will be copied and pasted in loop – that is fine. Viewport rendering is acceptable for this – we don’t care about lighting, texturing, and materials for this practice project.
By Wednesday at 2:00 have your individual animation on the public in the team Skills folder as “(lastNamelastName)FinalPractice.mp4”
Character you will be modeling / animating to come out Wednesday at lunch so we all have the same amount of crunch time to create / rig / animate.

- Bright / Pine
- Granger / Aiden
- Xavier / Zimmerman
- Asa / Eli
- Finn / Jered
- Brodey / Schuyler
- Josh / Ben
- Lance / Mimi
- Blow / Palagonia
This week is the Vermont State Game Design competition!
Polish what you have. If you feel confident, keep creating, but at some point we need to pivot to the presentation.
You will get 10 minutes with the judge this week. Total. Timed. How you use your time is up to you. You only get 10 minutes – literally timed – to do present whatever you wish to the judge.
This week we should really think about your presentation. Maybe 1 of 2 partners works on the game, while the other partner works on the presentation. Or both on the presentation.
Here is the official scorecard that will be used by the judge. Look at what they are scoring. Make sure that elements for each domain are showing up in your presentation:

Start thinking about what your 10 minute presentation should be – script it out, write down times, figure out what needs to happen at minute 1, at minute 4, at minute 6.
Mr. Bohmann and I strongly recommend that you write up a specific GDD for your team (using some of the info from the CAWD GDD) and print out a copy. I can print out a copy for you if you put it on the public.
Check your CAWD Game Design Document.
Check out the CAWD Game Design Alpha Feedback.
Practice Presentations begin tomorrow at 10:00.
Order will show up in the Tuesday Dayplan. All teams will present while others are working. I will time you, and give you some notes.
These practice presentations are just practice, but will help get the nerves out. Also good to have the teams around you see what was done well in presentations, and what was done poorly.
Learn from each others mistakes and successes!
12:15 Lunch (30 Minutes)

- No food in the room / eat in the Cafe.
- You are welcome to return to the room when you have finished eating and work / hang out.
12:45 Attendance
12:50 Skills

1:10 Afternoon Break (10 minutes)

- 10 Minute break – you have to exit the room.
- When the door near the TV is open, you are welcome to come back in.
1:20 Skills

2:00 Dismissal