Class Hours: 9:40 – 2:05
Mr. Cronin
- Welcome to Week 16! Lets all make our folders.
- So Friday was lost, so we are going to have a funky week this week.
- Due to the snow day, missing another English, and so much sickness we are not going to have a Game Day before vacation – you just got a snow day – think of that as your Game Day. It just doesn’t pass the “does this feel right” test to me as a teacher.
- We are going to use today as our “last Friday”, with all work due today by lunch. We are going to start doing critiques today at 1:20. Going to be weird, but it is what it is is.
- I am going to give us Thursday afternoon after lunch to chill and socialize. Nothing huge with food and what not, but some time to game and chill and socialize.
- We will not have a Design Homework nor Agency this week. We will complete one project which we will present for grade on Thursday morning. This means that students that are caught up in CAWD will have 100% of their work turned in, with 0 ungraded projects, before vacation. I am trying to create a nice bubble of “no work” time for you during the break, low stress, just relax and recharge.
- Palagonia do you have your 2 pack? If not I need you to work on this first after our Pass / Fail as we will need it tomorrow. All students will present their work to their peers tomorrow and we will start digital production of our first drafts.
9:40 Attendance and Article
9:45 Blender Pass Fail

Inside the public is a Blender file called “head.blend”. I want you to load it up, and texture paint it. Think of this as a 20 minute sprint to create something you are proud of.
Remember the workflow:
- Unwrap it (Smart UV Project)
- Create your texture image with a base color, increase size to 2048 x 2048
- Connect this texture map to your material
- Texture paint – don’t forget you have access to both the mask and symmetry.
Create a render called “(lastName).jpg” and put in the “headRenders” folder. When you are ready to be checked off raise your hand and I will open / present your work on the big board. Be proud of what you present, you are building your brand with each and every project.
Take inspiration from last years students!
Once you are checked off – move onto your Coral Reef Project.
10:05 Coral Reef Animation Project

Check specifics in the Tuesday Dayplan.
10:35 Morning Break (10 minutes)

- 10 Minutes break – you have to exit the room.
- When the door near the TV is open, you are welcome to come back in.
10:45 Coral Reef Animation Project

Check specifics in the Tuesday Dayplan.
11:35 AM Production

- Fish and Corals
- “(lastName)FishCorals_1.jpg”
- “(lastName)FishCorals_2.jpg”
- “(lastName)FishCorals_3.jpg”
- Week 15 Agency
- “(lastName)Agency_1.jpg”
- “(lastName)Agency_2.jpg”
- “(lastName)Agency_3.jpg”
- Design Homework 15: 3 Point Perspective Tower from Ground Level
- “(lastName)DH15.jpg”
Have in your “week_15” folder by 12:15.
12:15 Lunch (30 Minutes)

- No food in the room / eat in the Cafe.
- You are welcome to return to the room when you have finished eating and work / hang out.
12:45 Attendance and Article
12:50 A Gentleman in Moscow

- Follow along as I read; lose yourself in a story for a bit.
- One of the strengths of this book are “beautifully rendered scenes“. You will be creating art based off of the text. Listen attentively.
1:10 Afternoon Break (10 minutes)

- 10 Minutes break – you have to exit the room.
- When the door near the TV is open, you are welcome to come back in.
1:20 Critiques

Today Granger will be giving Constructive Criticism. Pick 1 thing that works, and 1 thing to improve upon next time. Remember we are separating the Design from the Designer. We are looking for actionable input.
Remember that Constructive Criticism can sometimes be subjective… on art which is also subjective. You don’t have to agree with the Constructive Criticism, but you have to hear it without getting defensive.
Tomorrow Xavier will be giving Constructive Criticism.
2:00 Dismissal