Class Hours: 9:40 – 2:05
Mr. Cronin
- Welcome to Week 21!
- Hey all – I have Covid! In fact, my entire family ended up getting it.
- Looks like per the nurses office I am in on Friday of this week, so Monday through Thursday you will have a sub. What this means for the next 4 days:
- No critiques
- No articles
- No “Moscow”
- No projectors
- No leaving for break – you can stay in the room
- No Dailies
- Congrats to Brennan and Sparky for getting their pins in the top 2 CTE wide! They have a presentation on Wednesday. I emailed you both directly, and Mathieson knows where the supplies are.
- No agency this week – the focus is our Final Draft of reef project.
- We are going to do some peer constructive criticism Tuesday morning, where you will watch each others videos and give feedback. Hopefully I will be able to give you feedback as well from my sickbed. The name of the game this week is editing, improvement and refinement of your Final Draft of your Reef animation.
- We will be having visitors Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday this week. I am going to do my best to assign them from here – but being at home makes everything harder. If you see something turning into a car wreck (more visitors than anticipated, people that had a visitor out sick) please step up and help manage.
- In general be nice, support each other, keep the room neat daily, and make sure drinks are kept on shelf. Obviously no food. Remember you are representing our program and you want to carry yourself well. (I also have spies in the room as you know from last time.)
- Jerry to have a visitor today from 1:20 – 1:50 – Luka. Remember the visitor process:
- Form
- Brag x 3
- Hands on / show them how it all works
- Above all – be welcoming.
9:40 Attendance
9:45 AM Production

First – would someone be willing to create a “week_20” folder on the public drive?
Next – you have until 11:35 to get your work uploaded to this folder.
- Design Homework 20 | Baseline Still Life
- “(lastName)DH20.jpg”
- Reef Animation First Cut
- “lastNameReef1stDraft.mp4”
Any time after 11:35 I am going to ask Mr. Bohmann to upload your work to a drive that I can access from home. I hope to be able to watch your animations and give you direct feedback on your first drafts.
10:35 Morning Break (10 minutes)

- 10 Minute break
10:45 AM Production

You have until 11:35 to get work on the public drive.
11:35 Coral Reef Final Draft

You have all completed the first draft of your Coral Reef Animations and turned them in.
We are now going to improve it over the next week.
Elements to improve:
- Refine and improve animation. Almost every shot can be improved. Is your animation too fast, is it rushed? Is your animation too slow, or does it not even look “animated”? Everything can be improved.
- Lighting and color grading. Does your project feel “underwater”. At the same time, does your project have enough bright colors and value contrast (black to white) that you desire?
- Sound design – do you hear start/stops of sounds? Are the sounds repetitive? Do they all fit together?
- Does the story make sense? Look back to your story arc – does the animation that you have created match your story arc. Remember that the storyboard itself can be adjusted, but your animation has to match with the storyboard.
Yes you have a “complete” project, but it is only a draft. I want you to take your project and push it and improve it.
Call your file “lastNameReefFinalDraft.mp4“.
11:45 DH 21: Bowl

In our first 3rd Quarter topic of Still Life, learning through an online resource, we are going to be sketching bowl. Often in Still Life’s we have a bowl, filled or empty. This week the focus is really on the bowl itself, not what is inside it, not what is around it. Feel free to fill your paper with the sketching practice as the artist does in the resource.
Watch the video while you draw the bowl. “Drawing” with another artist is a nice way to pick up on learning, and you rewind 10 seconds just by hitting the left arrow key if you miss something. Learning from these online resources will be important in your life – no way to sugarcoat it, you have to be able to learn on your own.
Here is the resource:
I want you to really key off of what the artist says in the resource:
“Shade as you see it, and not as what you think it is.”
Often times we let our mind “fill in the gaps”, or make us think “it should look this way”. We want to move beyond that thinking as it doesn’t accurately reflect the still life in front of is. “Shade as you see it, and not as what you think it is!”
Save your file as “(lastName)DH21.jpg” – due in 1 week.
12:15 Lunch (30 Minutes)

- No food in the room / eat in the Cafe.
- You are welcome to return to the room when you have finished eating and work / hang out.
12:45 Attendance
12:50 PM Production

Get to work on either of the two projects for the week. There is no Agency project this week.
- DH 21: Bowl
- “(lastName)DH21.jpg”
- Reef Animation Final Cut
- “lastNameReefFinalDraft.mp4”
1:10 Afternoon Break (10 minutes)

- 10 Minute break
1:20 Afternoon Production

- DH 21: Bowl
- “(lastName)DH21.jpg”
- Reef Animation Final Cut
- “lastNameReefFinalDraft.mp4”
2:00 Dismissal